||Secret Lovers||

Começar do início

I slowly turn around.

There he was leaning on the door frame looking so handsome as ever. Rengoku-sensei then went towards his desk. I moved out of the way and stood in front where the first row of seats are aligned.

The chocolate hidden behind me.

He suddenly put a hand on his table and point a finger at me. The curtains swayed as a gush of wind enters the classroom.

 The curtains swayed as a gush of wind enters the classroom

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"What are you hiding behind your back?"

I hidden it further to keep it out of his sight.

"N-nothing." I stuttered. Rengoku-sensei stood in front of me. I bit my lip as I feel my cheeks getting warm without any warning he snatched the box of chocolate from my back.

"Hey! Give it back." I tried taking it but he stretched his hand upward making it difficult to reach. I cross my arms and look away from him with a pout.

"Is this for me?"

"It is. I want to thank you for tutoring me, so I took this day as an opportunity to give you something." My feet kept fidgeting while my eyes avoided his because once I look at him, my main purpose will be revealed.

Rengoku-sensei just nodded. I don't know if he believed what I have said or still contemplating what my true intentions are.

He opened the box of chocolates and ate one.

"Wow, this chocolate is delicious." Rengoku-sensei complimented and I cannot help but blush. After that I sat down on my chair.

Days went by after valentine's day but still I have no guts to tell him what I truly feel. I'm hesitant since he's a teacher and I'm a student. It could get him in trouble.

White day came quickly and as usual I was just staring at Rengoku-sensei as he teaches the class. He turned around while my eyes are still glued to him so I blushed when his reddish-golden orbs met mine.

He flashes me a smile.

I swear my heart raced.

Soon I heard the bell rings as I grab my bag and hurried my way towards the exit only to bump into Rengoku-sensei's chest.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's okay. (Y/N) can I talk to you for a minute?" He said as I just nodded my head. I sat on the chair which was in front of his desk.

Rengoku-sensei put something on the arm table. It was a box of white chocolate. I look at him with confusion written all over my face.

"Happy white day. This is my respond to you."

I gave him a confuse look but he just pat my head. Rengoku-sensei smiled at me.

I then realized what he meant. I was about to say something when suddenly a student came inside our room and telling him that their meeting was about to start.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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SUNSHINE|| R. Kyojuro OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora