

Rena, takemitchi and Senju are in the amusement park " Woah...!!" Rena said " let's ride the rollercoaster!!" Senju said while smiling then Senju hold takemitchi's hand also Rena
Takemitchi suddenly saw the vision
Senju lying on the ground pool of blood....he saw Rena are crying besides Senju..." Huh...?" Takemitchi said ' is this what Mika's talking about the vision..?' he asked himself " but... I'm sure it is.... I need to protect Senju..." He said then he snapped his thoughts " hey Takemitchi!! Why you spacing out!?" Rena asked " yeah...we calling you so many times!" Senju said then he dragged takemitchi " Whatever let's ride!!" Senju shout
" Let's go takemitchi!!" Rena said then they ride the rollercoaster

Then they explore the amusement park " It's Tanzaku!!!" Senju shout " Let's take a look!!" Rena said " ah..that.." takemitchi said " make a wish... let's make a wish~" Rena and Senju singing while walking there
Then they make a wish " what's your wish... takemitchi show us...." Senju said while smiling then Takemitchi show the paper

"Everyone have a happy future life"

" That's your wish..?" Rena and Senju said " yeah ...." What's yours?" Rena asked " here.." Senju said while smiling

" I will protect Rena and Takemitchi"

" That's your wish..." Rena said " that's right .... I will protect you and Takemitchi.....no matter what.." Senju said while smiling " And I will protect both you....too.." takemitchi said while smiling " me too .." Rena said "what's yours Rena .?" Senju said " here" Rena show her paper

" I will protect the toman especially Mika....also the Brahman Gang.."

" It's seems like we protecting each other.." Senju said " that's right.." Rena said then "let's be friends... takemitchi, Rena..." Senju said while smiling " Sure...." Rena said " yeah.." takemitchi said then they shake hands

Takemitchi suddenly saw again the vision they in the amusement park. And raining  Rena are crying and Senju are lying on the ground pool of blood" I kept the promise takemitchi...." Senju said while sobbing " Senju...." Rena said while sobbing " it's okay....I protect you..." Senju said then the vision ends

" I saw the vision......The amusement park...? So this vision will gonna happened today I  need to protect Senju..." Takemitchi said in his head
" Hey Takemitchi!!" Senju said " Huh..?" Takemitchi said " Senju said we're going to eat..." Rena said while smiling " O...okay...." Takemitchi said

They go to the booth the eating there
" Hey.... Takemitchi... your food is getting cold.." Senju said " yeah ... You should eat now..." Rena said but Takemitchi still silent " takemitchi I'm going to the restroom...." Senju said " I'll with you..." Rena said while smiling " sure..." Senju said " okay..."
then the two girls go to the restroom
Then Takemitchi are thinking about how to save Senju then he snapped his thoughts " Shit!! I got lost in my thoughts!!" Takemitchi shout " they go in the restroom,right..?" Takemitchi asked himself " oh crap!!!! I should've keep my eyes on her!!!" Takemitchi shout again " Senju!!!" Takemitchi shout then Takemitchi find the restroom " there here is" takemitchi said while looking to restroom
Then someone suddenly appeared
He saw 4 guys wearing a mask " you must be a Hanagaki Takemitchi?" Some one said " I'm sure south will understand..." Someone said then he point the gun to takemitchi then someone running " Stop!!!!!" Senju said " Senju!!" Takemitchi shout " Stay back!!" Takemitchi shout " Don't come near me!!" Takemitchi shout " Don't move Hanagaki!!!" Someone shout
Then Takemitchi suddenly jump to hug Senju so he can protect her.

The guy click the trigger twice but someone protect them
" Did I got him....?" Guy said " you okay takemitchi.... Senju?" Rena said
" Run!!" The mask guys shout then they run until they leave " you okay Senju?" Takemitchi asked " yeah ...." Senju said " thank you... Rena...." Takemitchi said " they using a dangerous weapon....just to break down the toman..." Rena said the she kick the gun " Are you alright!?" Takemitchi asked " Yeah...." Senju said
" I think we gotta go......we might in danger again!?" Senju said " that's right" takemitchi said then they will run but they noticed Rena are not moving " Rena.." Senju said " Takemitchi... Senju.." Rena said then she suddenly fall down laying in the ground while bleeding " Rena!!" Takemitchi and Senju shout as they saw Rena are bleeding " Takemitchi...Senju...I kept my promise..." Rena said while sobbing and bleeding a lot " Please....take care of Mika...and the others...... please..." Rena said while sobbing " Rena....." Takemitchi said while sobbing " Mika will be sad you know!?" Senju said while sobbing " Senju call the ambulance...." Senju said while sobbing " I think it will be too late....I can feel my heartbeat is fading..." Rena said while sobbing " just do what I say takemitchi... Senju..." Rena said then the rain strating to quite heavy " I will see Iya soon..." Rena said then she closed her eyes " Rena!???!!" Senju and Takemitchi shout

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