The Beginning

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soldiers name will be lucias
torchers name will be malcom
other characters names will be made up on the way. i am sticking with the first two protagonists first.

~+soldier pov+~

I could never imagine ending up in a place like this. A place for war and battle. But so, my family has no income whatsoever. It is up to me to provide for them. But that job is far too much for me to have.


~+3rd pov+~

Lucias inches closer to the rusted gate with each step, he stays cautious knowing that after he steps foot into this place. His life will never be the same again.

He swiftly opens the gate. letting go making sure it lands back on the bracket without a sound.

~+soldiers pov+~

I quickly rush into the outpost, making sure i don't make any noise while entering. behind me i can hear footsteps approaching me. I'm soon met face to face with a female soldier. "oh, you must be lucias, correct?" i nod in agreement. "my name is diana! nice to meet you! The Boss has asked me to take you on a tour around the place, to y'know. get used to the place." yes, of course. i'd be very much happy if you took me on a tour around this place! she smiles at me and gestures for me to follow her. she points to different buildings, reading off their names and their purposes. "that's the med bay, it's where you get healed after taking a fatal hit. or even a minor one!" she continues to lead me around until we're met with a slightly large gate. "this is the gate that leads to our boss, he doesn't come out much. only during important meetings or attacks" as we walk away i can't help but look back at the gated building. wondering what secrets lie within.

~+time skip+~

~+soldier pov+~

all i've been doing all day is laying in bed. this place sucks and i wish i'd never signed up for this. i can hear footsteps approaching me.. "excuse me lucias, what did you say about this place?"  i jolt up, scared of the deep voice behind me. i turn around face to face with someone in a yellow jumpsuit and gas mask. "so, what'd you say about this place?" who are you? i can hear the other soldiers around me whispering and giggling. "Did Diana seriously not tell you who i am?" wait..  i suddenly remember what diana had told me earlier.. "he only comes out during important meetings or attacks!" if this isn't an attack, nor a meeting. why is he here?


"i was out on my monthly stroll and i couldn't help but notice your remarks about my.. establishment." sorry but this place is kind of boring. all we do is wait until we get a threat of some sort and attack from there. don't you think your soldiers get bored of the same repetitive activities each day? he cocks his head to the side. "is that so?" he looks around to see the other soldiers nodding in agreement to my statement. "no, i will not 'agree' to this. and for suggesting such a vile act. you must clean each and every loft and bed there is." he walks away, i know he was smirking.. i sigh and get ready to feel the pain of having to clean out every bed and loft.

~+time skip to after he finishes his boring chore+~

jeez that took awhile i say under my breath hoping that jerk of a boss doesn't hear. i quickly run out of the room the lofts were in to head to the cafe to find something to eat. i walk up to the counter and begin to speak with the cook. they hand me a bottle of water and some chips. finally something that doesn't taste bad. i walk out of the cafe and head up for the watch tower. i notice a dark figure at the top, when they notice me staring at them.. they disappear..? startled by the sight i decide not to head up to the watch tower and settle for a bench slightly under the watch tower. enjoying the chips and water the worker had gave me. after finishing them i head to a trash bin to dispose of the trash. i walk back to my
loft and flop down onto the bed. today was boring as always, but i'll do whatever it takes for my family.. i begin to doze off..


~+torchers pov+~
i stare out into the dark abyss of the outpost. i wonder when something interesting will happen i think to myself. but this place has its usuals. being boring, bland, and having to entertainment. i should've agreed to soldier lucias's statement but i guess i'm too stubborn for that. i turn around to head to my desk. i boot up my computer to check if i had gotten any mail. an email marked as important catches my eye


to: Malcom Hollowsburg and Lucias Rivers
hello! i have emailed you both to invite you to a banquet that is being hosted later this week. it is indeed a masquerade party so i advise you wear a mask of some sort. i look forward to seeing you there.
sincerely, ANON


seriously?!? i'm invited to go to a banquet with one of my WORST behaved soldiers. why was he invited anyways? what's so special about him that he's invited to an important banquet? i rest my head on my desk. prepared for the worst when the day arrives. of course, i hope the banquet goes well. we wouldn't want something bad happening. right?

~+soldiers pov+~

i wake up to the sound of a notification off of my phone, i suddenly jolt up, accidentally bumping my head into the bunk above me. rubbing the top of my head, i reach for my phone that is on the night stand. i flip it over to reveal a notification from my email. the email being titled as IMPORTANT MUST READ i click on the notification, thinking it was one of my many expired 7-day free trials. finding out that i was invited to a masquerade ball!! i think, they added the word banquet so i'm not sure. but it was also sent to someone else that went by the name Malcom. whoever he is, i hope he's nice. i wouldn't want a rude partner to a ball now would i?


chapter one waoww. this will probably end up like the other book of me being too lazy or too busy to publish a new chapter. whatever it is i hope it DOESNT end up like the other one. thanks for reading my readers reboot ig. ty for reading ily and stay safe!!
sincerely, the author slither!

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