Tired | Harvey x Reader

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Y/n had been living in the valley for 2 years now, Summer was coming to an end and she began to prepare for the coming fall. As she purchased heaters for her animals and did other mindless tasks her mind wandered.

It wandered to Harvey. Often. More often then she'd like to admit. Something about him was just welcoming to her, his style, his goofy personality, his dreams of being a pilot. He was just a wholesome person that balanced you out.

And nothing was more fun than messing with him, the way he got all flustered so damn easily made it too hard to resist. With this in mind you headed towards the clinic, because of how close you two were you had clinic 'privileges'. Those privileges entailed going in after 3 and chatting with Harvey. Most of the time you'd watch him assemble his model planes or listen to jazz and just chat.

You loved it when he'd go on his adorable little rambles about the technicalities of being a pilot- though you didn't even know simple things like the difference between longitude and latitude you'd listen and try your best to follow what he was saying. To be honest, most of the time you'd just admire him, not even listening, just observing his smile how excited he got.

To put it simply, y/n was more than down bad, she was completely enamored with the doctor. Y/n shook the sappy thoughts out of her head as she walked up to the clinic door, pulling out the key Harvey had given to her.

She slid into the building and looked around, Harvey was behind the front desk sitting down on a chair. And oh.my.god. It was a sight to behold. His green jacket was hanging from his left hand as he sat leaned back in the chair. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his tie loose around his neck. The brunettes hair was loose and in disarray, his face flushed and eyes closed.

You walked up to the counter and looked him up and down, "Rough day?" He groaned and sat up, strands of hair falling into his eyes as he did so, the look on his face said it all. You sighed and rolled up your sleeves, "C'mon- let's go upstairs,"

Y/n slid over the counter, swiveling the chair around and pushing him towards the stairs, "You deserve some R&R H money you seriously over work yourself!" He laughed tiredly and titled his head back, resting it on the chair looking up at you, "H money?"

You smiled down at him and brushed some hair out of his face, "I think it has a nice ring to it," He pouted and whined, "What happened to Harv?" You rolled your eyes and laughed, "Maybe I'll use cheesy pet names instead, how does baby sound?" His face flushed even more and he started to avoid eye contact, lifting his head back up.

Y/n stopped at the base of the stairs, Harvey stood up and you followed behind him as you walked up to his apartment. Neatening the cuffs you had rolled your sleeves into you asked, "What do you want for dinner?" He stuttered and his steps faltered slightly, almost falling over, "D-dinner? Y/n you don't have to,"

You shrugged and opened the door to his room, heading straight for the kitchen, "But I want to-" you looked over at him and smirked, "I will take it personally if you don't accept my offer Harv," He got a little flustered at the nickname and pushed his glasses up his nose, "J-just make something simple if you must, but you really don't ha-"

You cut him off and reassured him, "But I have to! Look at you! You're exhausted, as long as I'm here you're not lifting a finger. Got it?" He blushed and looked down at the ground, like it was the most interesting thing in the world, "I- okay..." you smiled and nodded at your victory, "good, I'll just make some spaghetti, sound good H dog?"

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