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Minhos POV:
I carefully look at the poster, it looked nothing like me, I wasn't that ugly was I?
"Sorry but that's not me" I say walking off from her towards my next class, what a strange girl.
Hyunjin's POV:
As I sit down in my next class BangChan walks towards me sitting down with a annoyed face "what's up Chan?" I ask closing my laptop "Ask that Felix idiot" he says in a angry tone "You mean Lee Felix? The same guy who dated your ex Changbin?" I ask rolling my eyes "look if your that addicted to him just date him." I say opening my laptop again before it getting shut again by BangChan "What do you mean! I hate him!" Chan yells getting the classes attention"whatever you say." I say as class goes on.
- At Lunch -
Hyunjin's POV:
I sit down near the stairs with my friends holding posters that said "IF ANYONE SEES A GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE THIS DRAG HIM HERE" but instead of getting help we got put in detention for blocking people's way and distracting teachers from working, strange right.
Minhos POV:
I walk towards the poster hanger and look at the poster of my face I sigh before pinning my poster up, I am a professional in designing games but the partner I was working with for a project ditched me so now I have to find a new one.
-Aftee school at the cafe -
Hyunjins POV:
I sit down with some of my friends Changbin and Felix, "So what was that thing you wanted to tell me about that grad-stopper" I ask while sipping my coffee "Well now that you've asked! I heard that his partner in his new video game project ditched him and he's looking for a new one!" Felix explains and I nod "is that meant to be good news for me or bad idiot" I say sighing "at least listen to him!" Changbin says smacking me on the back of my head "ow!" I say fake crying as we all laugh "but yeah, not only that but! Drumroll please, he wants you to be his partner!!" Felix shouts happily "WHAT!!!" I shout as loud as I could.

Thanks for reading sorry didn't update sooner, I've been busy! 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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