Missions, Letters, and Bloody Owls

Start from the beginning

Lily had walked in, ready to take a new dose of her monthly potion and, seeing Sirius drinking what appeared to be pepper-up potion, grasped and drank the wrong flask. It would have of course been smart to verify that she was drinking the correct potion, but who would have thought Sirius would drink Aphrodite's Love-to-Love birth control potion? And so, when James had come home from the office that night wanting some private time with his wife, Lily was not only virus free but also protection free. The rest was history.

There was however, a small side-effect from the potion that Sirius drank. As it was not meant for men, Sirius had woken up the next morning with two new developments. James still had a black-mail picture hidden behind the broomshed for safekeeping. After all, who wouldn't want to possess a picture of Sirius gaping down at a pair of women's breasts poking out from his night-shirt? What a wonderfully humorous trip to St. Mungos it was!

Lily snorted at the memory, nearly choking on her last bite of apple. She tossed the core into the rubbish bin and glanced again at the clock. It was still only 8:45. Lily stretched and decided to make her way to James's and her bedroom.

She silently pulled off her robes, folded them, and placed them on a chair beside the closet. She did the same with her sweater, but tossed her jeans and socks in the hamper. Lily then pulled on a fluid-like silk nightgown and headed into the adjoining bathroom. Within a few minutes, her face was washed, her teeth brushed and flossed, and she was ready for bed.

Lily pulled back the deep emerald covers of her bed and slid between the cool sheets. She kept the light beside her alight with full intentions to stay awake until James came home. But her heavy eyes closed despite the bight light, and she soon only had her dreams to keep her company.

Lily awoke several hours later to the sounds of her husband in the bathroom. When she glanced at the clock she was shocked to see that it read 2:04 AM. Did James just get back? Lily thought worriedly.
The bathroom sink turned off, and James appeared in the doorway. His hazel eyes were tired, and he was clad only in a pair of black sweat pants. "Did I wake you?" he asked, setting down the towel he was using to dry his hands.

Lily yawned and tried to reassure him. "No, I woke up because I was . . . Cold." She tilted her head slightly to the side and stared, scrutinizing her husband. "Are you okay? You seem . . . I don't know." she mused aloud.

James sighed and strode forward, crawling onto the bed and pulling her near until Lily was nestled besides him. "Lils, I . . . I have some bad news." he whispered dully.

Lily's brow furrowed, and she looked up into his eyes. Now that he was closer, he seemed to be filled with . . . guilt? "Bad . . . bad news?"

"Yeah. I got my new assignment. The problem is that it's . . . Shit, it's a long-term mission in the States." he finished in a rush.

Lily was speechless. It seemed that her throat was clogged up with cotton and she couldn't breath. But James was gazing at her, waiting for her to say something. Lily finally managed a strangled, "Oh."

James swallowed, his eyes furrowing with worry. "Lily, I–"

"Exactly how long-term is it, James?" Lily asked in a small voice, cutting him off. She was unconsciencely sliding away from him even though she knew that it was not his fault.

James shook his head. "I don't know. The Chief only said I should be prepared to not be back for a few months."

"A FEW MONTHS?! Is that few as in two, or few as in multiple?" Lily burst out, jumping from the bed and pacing.

James shrugged and stepped off the bed, watching his wife in her hysterics. "Most likely more than three." he said softly with a grimace.

"Well, can I at least write to you?" she asked, even when she knew perfectly well what the answer would be.

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