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sheepish glances, sweet smiles, and flushed cheeks. we were thirty then, acting as though we were teenagers falling in love. back then we felt like we were gods on top of the world but now we were feeling like we were untouched nuns finally happy to break free from a rule of nothing but obedience. we were excited and ready to feel one another.

you didn't have to say anything then nor now, i could tell now what life has become for the two of us.

we were lovers, mortals that finally drank the ichor to become immortal. the golden liquid that gave us confidence when we downed it like a shot and danced like the world was ours.

"i love you," you said to me in a breathy whisper.

"i love you," i responded, fighting off tears of something beyond comparison.

but when i got home that night, i cried because you were something so extraordinary. i wanted to hold you beyond our years, in death i wanted you to be with me. i couldn't stop thinking of you and everything you did.

life was meaningless without the way your nose crinkled when you smiled, the way your eyes closed smiling with your lips. your laugh that was so contagious. without the sound of your voice saying those three words, life was nothing but a pit of darkness.

this was what love felt like, a shameless captivation.

a thousand years i'd spend with you and your sapphire eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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