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This was his Mission only his

"Come on Dream! Just Die!" He swung his Sword at the taller male only to have it blocked by the Masked Boy's Sword "No! Stop it! You don't understand!"

But slowly it began to fall through his fingers...

"I like this game George~ Let's play again sometime, yeah?" He waved before jumping into the portal

It should've take 1 Hunter, but something more was going on

"W-We don't know his goal..." He spoke softly "Why want to kill the Ender Dragon? He's just going to keep 'Freeing the End' Whatever that means..."

"You really don't know what 'Free The End' Means? Wow, you guys really are Idiots..." He shakes his head

Will they find the Truth?

"I'm telling you; What Me, Boosfer, and Many others are doing... We're the Good Guys!" He tried to convince them

"That's a lie, We're the Good Guys! We're protecting the End! We're the 'Ender Protectors' For Crying out Loud!" He retorts

Or continue to live in their Simulation of a Lie?

"Please... Guys..." He pants, he then looks at George "George, you know what I'm talking about right?"

He looked down and was silent for a moment before speaking "Corruption..."

"Wait! So you're telling us The End... And The Deep Dark.... And all those worlds you took us to...?" He questions shakily

5 chances to make things right




"He can easily Manipulate the world... Can Dream do that?"

Or potentially lose their Worlds...

"We gave you a chance George, Yello, many of them... But you both failed us..."

"I'm afraid we'll have to remove the two of you from our Agency..."

"What!? No!"


"You Can't kick Yello out!"

Will they stop whatever force Dream was talking about? Or will they all Die Trying?

"It's always been you George, that's why I was happy you got my 'Mission' I guess we'll call it..."

"Whatever helps, I guess we're going for it!"

This is it...




Minecraft Manhunt...

"What is it with Green Guys in Masks and Wanting to Kill the Ender Dragon?"

The Hunters and The HuntedWhere stories live. Discover now