Raven Branwen

Raven approaches the injured EMIYA who was glaring daggers at her. He immediately started to struggle to get out of his restraints the moment Raven got closer to him, to no avail. She pulls out the Contender, inspecting it. "Primitive weapon, primitive bullets..." She puts it on the ground, before kneeling. 

EMIYA's struggles only get tougher and tougher. "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm here to help you." She said with a malicious tone. Her hands reach towards EMIYA's face as she pulls down his rope gag.

"Don't hurt him!" Weiss yelled out.

"I just said I want to help him, you can relax." 

"There's not much you can do regardless. I told you to cooperate." Vernal looks at Weiss.

"What is your name?" She grabs EMIYA's head by the chin. Though, he had seemingly calmed down, his death stare remained.

"My name...? You want my name...?" He said in a mocking tone.

"I'm listening."

He suddenly bit onto Raven's hand, who stood up, retaliating with a kick to his face. "Tch! Rabid dog!"  EMIYA coughs blood into his cage, before turning back to face Raven. He smirked in the face of death, which only further pissed off Raven. 

"Give me that." She gestures towards Vernal and Schnee's weapon. Vernal didn't object one bit, handing the rapier over. She points it at EMIYA's neck. "You should be grateful I even tried to be kind to you after what you did to me in the forest. Now, say your name before I slice your neck open like you did to my men."

"Stop! Emiya! His name is Emiya!" Weiss answered for him.

"Emiya...?" Raven recoiled, dropping the rapier in her hands. "Kiritsugu Emiya? Oh... how it all makes sense now!" She starts to laugh. The rest of the bandits look at her in confusion. "It makes far too much sense!"

"What does?" Weiss asked.

"Don't you see it? It's no coincidence that several of Atlas' council members are assassinated in the same week he tries to get out using a cargo airship." Weiss turned to EMIYA, gritting her teeth. There's no way that could be true, right? "Emiya... that was your name. It's good to know your friend here has some manners at the very least."

"She doesn't exactly have any either." Vernal smirks once more.

Raven puts her hands up, almost as if she was praising the gods above. "What unbelievable luck! The Magus Killer himself has landed into my hands!" She starts to laugh as the rest of the camp watches. Admittedly, she was a bit crazy, but no one wanted to speak up against her. She kneels back down, looking at EMIYA. 

"You've really, really made me angry today. You've taken the lives of some of my best men and almost killed me as well, but fortunately for you, my friend, I don't like to hold grudges." That was a lie, of course. "How about an offer?"

"You can enjoy the offer of my foot in your face--!" EMIYA was suddenly interrupted by Raven using her right hand to cover his mouth.

"Don't bite again or else it's the end of you for good. Now, about that offer... I could use the likes of you to take down my enemies. In exchange, I'll let you live, how about that?" She removes her hand.

EMIYA is clearly frustrated, much to Raven's amusement. In his current state, he would surely be dead if he tried to fight back against four opponents. He had to do it. He looked at Weiss with a look of regret in his eyes, reluctantly letting out: "Fine."

"Emiya! You traitor!" Weiss yelled out in anger.

"Looks like you're not that bad of a person. Boys!" Raven whistles, the two bandits come to her rescue. "Carry our friend Emiya here, let's go get him treated." The bandits pick up his cage. He was lightweight for the most part luckily. They take off. "I'll come back for you later. Vernal, stay here until they finish their delivery."

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