An hour later I felt completely satisfied, we had ordered a variety of breakfast foods and once we had finished eating, Wesley threw on some sweatpants and went to visit Drew and Keaton. I took this opportunity to text Taylor, I didn't get a chance to properly say good bye to her last night and I knew she'd be gagging for details. I had a missed text from her that just read, 'Sooooooo.......', to which I replied, 'Soooooo.....we had sex'. Almost immediately she replied asking me how it was, I felt more comfortable talking to her than I thought I would. I told her it was amazing, because it was and she brought up that Wesley must be happy to hear that. I realised I hadn't actually told him that, I had just said I didn't regret and I loved him. 'Was I supposed to tell him that?' I asked Taylor, 'YES' was her response, she sent another text right after, 'How amazing?? ;)'. I giggled, she was so nosy but I loved her, 'So amazing that I want to do it again, now'. She told me to stop texting her and go make it happen, but I wasn't really sure how. A few minutes later Wesley let himself back into our room, I sat up on the bed and tucked the blankets under my arms so I was still covered, I don't know if I'll be completely comfortable being naked in from of him.

"Drew and Keaton say hi" he said as he sat on the end of the bed, and I wondered if he had gone over to tell them about last night. I didn't like the idea that he would tell them that sort of thing, surely he respected my privacy enough not to say anything. I pushed the thought aside, and focused back on what I hoped would happen this morning instead of worrying about last night. "I know earlier I said I had no comparison for what happened last night" I started talking and I knew my voice was shaking a little. "But it was amazing. I just wanted you to know" I finished more confidently because I really wanted him to know it was the truth. He scooted over to where I was sitting, "I didn't hurt you?" he looked worried. I shook my head, "Really, it was incredible, we should have done it sooner" I blushed at what came out of my mouth. He laughed and I wanted to make it clear I was ready for a second round, "Well at least we know now and can do it again" I added. He laughed, "We definitely can", his words made my heart race, this was going to be easier than I thought. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss then excused himself for a shower. What, was I really that bad at giving signals or was he really just this polite?

A few moments later I heard the water in the bathroom switch on, I jumped up and ran to my bag. I gargled some mouthwash then spat it in a potted plant on the balcony, I ripped my brush through my hair and put on some deodorant. The water in the bathroom turned off, I threw myself back into the bed and a few moments later Wesley walked out with a towel around his waist and water dripping off him. He was hot, I wasn't sure if it was my new found sexual side, but I suddenly noticed just how hot he was, more than I had before. "Deja vu" I said, making him shoot me a confused look to where I was snuggled back under the covers. I glanced from his eyes down to his towel then back up to his eyes. He grinned, my heart fluttered, "Yes, I vaguely remember a scenario that started a bit like this" he said playfully. I was excited as he made his way over to the bed, but he walked right past the end of the bed and over to his pile of clothes. I sighed as he rifled around in his bag looking for something to put on, he stood up and gave me an inquisitive look, "What's wrong, you ready to go home?". I rolled my eyes at his suggestion as he walked over to the bed, no I was not ready to go home, why was this so hard?

He sat down on the edge of the bed facing me as I leaned back against the pillows, he stretched forward to kiss me. Little drops of water still rolled down his chest, his hair was wet and he smelled of body wash, it was fresh and manly and totally sexy. I put my hands on his shoulders and held him in the kiss, so he couldn't pull away, his skin was warm over his sculpted shoulders. I pulled myself up to him, trying to close the gap between us but he seemed reluctant to deepen the kiss. He reached his hands up to mine and removed them off his bare shoulders, "I should get dressed" he said quietly, I was frustrated. Surely getting your boyfriend to have sex with you shouldn't be this difficult, from what I had heard from Taylor most guys were pretty easy. A disturbing thought struck me, maybe it wasn't amazing for him, I was so embarrassed and I slid myself down the bed almost completely under the blankets. I had to know, I couldn't just keep wanting him like this and have him avoid me, I'd go insane. I yelled out from my sanctuary under the covers, "Was it not good for you?" then I cringed while I waited for an answer.

I felt the bed move and I knew Wesley had sat back down on it, I was acting like a child hiding under here but I didn't care. "What?" I heard his voice through the comforter, "Are you asking me if last night was good for me?" he questioned me. I nodded, not wanting to admit verbally that I was this insecure and I felt him tugging the blankets away from my face. He peeled them back and I was left looking up at his face as he hovered above me. "It was...mind blowing", he said it sincerely, I smiled at his words, but I was still pretty confused, I searched his eyes. "Why don't you want to do it again then?" I asked quietly, causing his eyes to light up and his expression to change to one of shock. "I, I didn't know that option was on the table" he stuttered slightly and I realised he was still looking out for me. It was pretty unfair that not only could he make me want him just by standing around but also with his words and loving personality, I'm doomed. I sat up on my elbows, "Your girlfriend, who is naked in a hotel bed I might add, is telling you how amazing you are and trying to kiss you and you don't think the option is on the table?" I said jokingly. "I thought you were more experienced but you seem pretty clueless to me Wesley Stromberg" I added with a giggle.

With that he tackled me back down to the bed, his body weight coming down on mine as he laughed. He tickled me until I begged him to stop and then he adjusted himself so he was on his side, resting his head on his elbow looking down at me. "I'm just as new to being in love as you are, so don't rely on me to always know what the right thing to do is" he was being serious now and I knew he was right. It was unfair of me to expect him to know what I wanted in a boyfriend when usually I had no idea myself. He continued, "I just wanted to give you time to process what happened last night. That is the only reason I didn't want to do it again. It had nothing to do with me not wanting you, because let's be honest I'd never stop if given the chance" his face broke into a smile. I got goosebumps at the thought, he was so close to me and I just wanted him to be touching me. "Are you going to talk about it all day or......" I trailed off and gave him a wink, he needed no further invitation. It only took him a second to peel away the rest of the blanket and for our bodies to be pressed against each other, skin on skin. His lips quickly on my neck, kissing and sucking, making me squirm underneath him, I finally understood what the big fascination with boys was, who knew Taylor had been right all this time?

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