He Returns...

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A/N: Sorry if this is rubbish, its just something that came into my head after watching a video, hope you enjoy! ;)

Clara was busy shifting boxes of Christmas decorations, when the TARDIS materialised in her bedroom. Clara rolled her eyes and opened the door with her hip.

"Doctor! Next time can you park outside my flat,  y'know, like your old self used to!"

Clara didn't know that those words jinxed the day.

"Clara! What day is it?"

"24th December 2014, Its Christmas"

"Clara, come in here for a minute"


"Your Christmas present"

"You got me a Christmas present?"

"Of course..."

"Okay" Clara said and followed the Doctor into the TARDIS, following him round the console to some gadget thing. It was a chair with a circular thing which looked like it went on your head.

"Clara, sit here and picture the thing you want the most in the universe, decide how badly you want it"

"Why? Are we doing the Bank Robbery again?"

"No, no, this is your Christmas present, gives you anything you want, but only has one use"

"Okay" Clara sat on the chair and lowered the device onto her head, the doctor's voice filled her head

"Picture the thing you want most in the universe" Her head filled with images of his past incarnation.Her heart broke just seeing him in her head.

"Decide how badly you want it" Her head filled with more images, the two of them, flirting, cuddling, hugging. Her heart shattered because she knew she couldn't have that anymore. She was wrong.

"Um, Clara..." The Doctor murmured

"What? did I do something wrong?"

"I think you've just done the impossible because I'm staring at my past self" With those words, Clara flung the device off her head to see her doctor, the one she lost. Her current doctor watched as she flung herself into his past self's arms.

"Chin Boy!! You came back!" Clara exclaimed

"Clara, my impossible girl, I will always come back" He murmured into her neck, hugging her tightly.

Clara's current Doctor's eyes filled with jealousy. The one thing Clara wanted was his past self back, and that was impossible. But he was standing in front of him. His time with Clara was over now, it was his turn! Although neither doctor could deny Clara always had a soft spot for his past incarnation.

Clara pulled away and dumped the box of Christmas decorations in his arms. Pulling him towards the TARDIS doors.

"Its Christmas?" His past self asked.

"Yep, you've been gone a year,come on!!" Clara said impatiently, tugging on his tweed jacket. He races after her, the box in his arms. They decorate the tree and once tinsel ended up all over her Doctor, she burst out laughing at the Doctor and took a photo. She showed the Doctor her photo wall, a wall full of photos of her and the Doctor

"I stopped when you left, it didn't seem right anymore, all of the original photos are in a scrapbook, these are just copies" Clara said

"How long did it take to do this?" He asked

"Depends, do you count all the times I fell off the stool trying to reach higher? Probably around 2 hours" Clara said

"You did all this? Why?" He asked

Return Of The EleventhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora