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Sadbh was absolutely wrecked as she made her way to work. The boys had had some sort of bonfire and although she herself hadn't bothered to go down, Finn had called and clamoured for Fiadh to be let go. She had obliged, and so stayed up waiting for Fiadh to come back. She worried far too much about that child. It was probably unnecessary, but she couldn't lose anyone else.

She arrived on into the Garrison. It was herself and Grace on that day. She preferred working with Harry, but Grace was grand as well. As long as the topic of Ireland's freedom (or lack thereof) didn't come up, that was. "And how's the singing Galwegian today?" Sadbh smiled, as she made her way in. Grace greeted her.

Sadbh was emptying out the buckets later on, when Thomas went past. He gave her a tight smile "How's the face?" "Christ, first Rua, now you. Has anyone thought ye it's not polite to comment on a girls appearance." He looked at her blankly. "Jesus, tough crowd you lads are. It's grand, Pol was only making a fuss the other day. He only gave me a tap really." He looked at her in disbelief. The bruises she was sporting said otherwise. "You haven't forgotten the job, have you? Don't go getting that pretty face anymore banged up, else I'll have to give you the sack." She laughed dryly, and he made as if to go on his way.

"Tommy" she called "You said there was to be no singing. As part of our deal, I'd like there to be one night a week where there can be singing. Just on Saturday nights, I think it would be good for everyone. It cheers them up a bit." He nodded, mounted the horse, and rode off.

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"Grace, I've done a bit of negotiating. Singing will be allowed. Just on Saturday nights, mind you. But still, it'll  be good craic all the same." Grace smiled at her "And how did you manage that, pray tell?" She smirked "I have connections. Easy to do stuff when you have connections." She didn't miss the flash of curiosity in the other girl's eyes "With the Shelby's, you mean? How does someone like yourself connect with the Shelby's?"

She didn't miss Grace's snooty tone, but chose to ignore it. "Oh just through family. My brother is good friends with John. They're very close really. So I just kind of became friendly-ish with them all through him." Grace nodded, looking slightly pensive. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but had to serve someone, and never got around to it.

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When her shift was over, Sadbh was delighted to stumble upon Ada, who was on her way to the pictures and invited her along. The girl seemed slightly antsy, but Sadbh didn't question it. They giggled and talked about old times, as they waited for the film to come on.

Sadbh was mesmerised by the big screen. It was a wonder that people could make it happen. She didn't really understand the mechanics behind it, but nonetheless was grateful for whoever did, as she munched on popcorn and watched the film.

She looked back in surprise, as the door opened to reveal Tommy. Judging from Ada's body language, she knew exactly why he was here. Sadbh shot her a questioning look, to which Ada replied "Later. No time to tell you now."

He plonked himself down beside Ada, and asked her to tell him the man's name. Sadbh was lost. What man? "Rudolph Valentino" was Ada's reply. This caused Tommy to get back up and walk out.

"The fuck?" Sadbh questioned her friend. "I'm pregnant. It's Freddy Thorne's. Don't tell anyone, okay." Sadbh inhaled sharply at the revelation. Ada, pregnant? That explained Tommy's anger.

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