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We were getting ready to go before I paused. The image of Klaue having his arm sliced off by Ultron crossed my vision.

"Ultron," I spoke up, everyone looked to me, "He's going after Klaue as well. He wants the vibranium."

"Then we need to hurry up and get there first," Rogers turned, "come on. Let's go now."

Scavenger Yard_
African Coast_

"That one," I pointed forward, "that's the ship he's on. Or at least he was six years ago."

"You better be right, kid," Tony stubbornly held onto his suspicions against me but went along with it.

"There's a generator there," I pointed, "He's still here."

I noticed a hole in the top of the ship.

"Ultron is already here," I gestured to the hole, "We're a step behind."

"No, I'd say we're about even, after all. We know he's here don't we?" Tony asked, "but he has no clue we're coming through. Hold on, we're going down."

I nodded as I held onto the back of his suit before we, myself, Tony, Rogers, and the man I now know to be Thor, dropped down into the ship.

"It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness," Ultron's annoyed voice was the first thing we heard.

"Ah, Junior," Tony spoke up, alerting Ultron of our presence. When he landed, I jumped off his back and stood just to the side of Thor.

"You're going to break your old man's heart," Tony said in a rather bland tone.

"Wanda, Pietro," I called to the twins who looked at me with confused faces, "you want peace but Ultron is not the path. The future with him is full of war. He wants nothing more than extinction."

"Ignore the girl," Ultron's head twitched in my direction, I just stepped back as he and the twins began to avance across the walkway, "If I have to break something. I will."

He focused on Tony again.

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor claimed.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron shot back.

"He beat me by one second," Tony stated, confusing us all for a split moment.

"Ah, yes," Pietro spoke up, "he is funny, Mr Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?"

"He's talking about the ship," I looked to Tony, "the weapons."

"You too, n/n?" Pietro focused to me.

"It does bring back memories, but none you know of," I smiled, glancing down at the missiles below us.

"This was never my life," Tony replied.

"You two can still walk away from this," Rogers stepped forward, talking to the twins, "y/n has."

Y/n? Who is that?

I shot him a confused look as he nodded his head to me.

He's not talking about me, is he? My name isn't y/n it's n/n. Weird.

"Oh, we will," Wanda shot him a mocking smile.

"I know you've suffered," Rogers began but was cut off by Ultron making a strange sound.

"Captain America," it chuckled, "gods righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but-"

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor cut him off.

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