Luisa x Male! Reader

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I had to admit Y/n was a cute guy though I'd never admit it to anyone. I always admired him from afar not wanting to raise any red flags to anyone. I knew I was the least sought after girl in the town, but I had too much work to do to even think about a relationship. Especially with a shy boy Abuela would never approve of for me.

"Dude come on just try out for the team. You'd be good." I perked up at Alex's voice knowing she was most likely talking to Y/n.

"no thanks. I'm not the sporty type." She groaned at her male friend "you're so boring." He only chuckled and continued his work. Should I go talk to him? I knows he's one of those shy boys, but even if we just remained friends I could at least say I accomplished something.

"Hey Y/n." He looked up at me as did his two friends "mind if I help you?" He looked at his friends seeming to not want to answer me "go ahead. He won't say anything, but I will." I smiled at Alex "gracias." I grabbed a pallet of bricks and carried it over to where they were then grabbed a few other things and brought it over to them. "Gracias Luisa." It was quiet, but he actually spoke to me for the first time.

He was the builder of the town and often was at my mamà for a injury related to his job. Those injuries usually included a smashed hand, any broken bones, bruises, scrapes, cuts, and just about anything else that came with the job he had.

"Hola again Mrs. Madrigal." My mamà seemed to be the person he was most comfortable with other then his friends and family.

I was so busy watching them interact that I almost dropped the church and when I caught it I caught it wrong busting my wrist right at the joint and halting to switch what hand it was in until I got to where I needed. "Luisa mija what happened?" I shrugged "caught the church wrong. I'll be ok." She gave me some food then I went on my way passing Y/n as I went to do my next task.

When Casita fell and the whole town came together Y/n was the one who spoke to each of us and told us what we needed to do in order for Casita to be how we wanted it again. When it came down to work he could talk no problem, but out of work he was a mess which I found adorable.

"Hey Luisa can you help me with this?" I looked over to see him trying to turn a big peice of concrete upright "but I dont have-" he shrugged "your still amazingly strong. I dont know anyone else who can turn a peice of concrete this size upright most of the way there by themselves. You make it look easy even without any super strength." He refused to face me and my bottom lip trembled "thanks. That means alot to me." I helped him with what he asked me "thank you Luisa...hey uh your family can stay with mine tonight. I mean if you guys want to. I know the family you guys are staying with is getting upset with how long you guys have stayed." This wasn't new information and we had been looking for a different place to stay especially with Casita being so close to finished, but no one wanted to have us.

"I'll talk to mi familia and get back to you." He smiled and my hear skipped a beat "ok. Its just me and my friends, but they are pretty much family, so that's why I said what I did. I'm sorry if I confused you or-" he started to ramble and get nervous "im sorry I'm just gonna go." He turned and went to walk off "wait-" he stopped "uh do you want to maybe get dinner tonight?" He rubbed the back of his neck "um...I-I don't know I dont do well outside of talking about work and what not." I smiled "yeah I kind of got that earlier."

Before I could say something else he disappeared.

POV change

So I had a small...ok huge crush on Luisa. I seemed to be the only one that did. Up until last night at dinner that was.

"Hello Luisa." I looked at Osvaldos middle son who was our waiter "what can I get you tonight fine lady?" He leaned on her shoulder and she almost fell out of her chair "hehe my bad." He stood up straight then looked at me sort of rudely "and for you?" I rubbed the back of my neck "the dish of the day will be fine, but no onions im allergic." He rolled his eyes and wrote it down as Luisa ordered the same thing "that'll be right out."

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