Thirty-Three: Chambre de Chasse

Start from the beginning

"And for those of us who don't remember who we are?" Elijah asks, only for the blonde hybrid to butt in.

"I'll give Antionette your regards." He smirks when he sees Elijah's glare.

Freya adds: "The door won't open unless all five locks are released. The only way out is together."

"Elijah, if we're to get through this without bloodshed, I recommend you go to the corner of the house furthers from Nik," Kol tells them, him being new and mature since he's been brought back. "Come on, follow me."


After remembering a memory about him, Mazikeen, and the Mikaelson Crest necklace, he was reminded of it by the one on the wall, so he smashed it.

"Nik, it's done," Rebekah tells him.

"I think we've established that there's no key in the crest." Freya sighs from beside her sister.

"That thing was a relic, anyway." He tells them. Suddenly, Marcel-who's drenched in blood and rain- appears on all fours as he growls.

"Marcel." Rebekah states.

"Damn it!" He curses as he gets up. "I gotta go now."

Klaus snatches his jacket up. "Hey! What game is Vincent playing?!"

The upgraded vampire shakes his head. "No. This has nothing to do with Vincent. We've gotta get out of here, the city is about to wash away. She's out of her damn mind."

Klaus grabs his elbow. "Who, Marcel?! Who put you here?!"

"It was Lunar! Luna is responsible for all of this. Damn it, I almost had it!" He shouts then sits down with Freya beside him. "Ivy was telling Vincent and me all about this new prophecy, about Lunar and all, when a hurricane just showed up off the coast outta nowhere."

"Monsoon from the waters, the final curse before the firstborns die." Freya mutters as Rebekah silently hands him a clothe, which he takes with a nod after staring at her hard. He wipes his head and face off then turns to the man that sired him. "I went to go find you guys. Lunar was at St. Ann's, she had Klaus and Elijah's bodies laid out on the floor with her hands covered in blood."

"Goat blood can be used to seal the spell," Freya tells when she sees Klaus's concerned face.

"She gathering up all of you to take the power that's be split up inside of you." Marcel adds.

"She can't do that." Klaus denies in worry. "It'll destroy her, that was the whole point."

Marcel sighs. "She through me in here went I tried to stop her. I can't leave until you guys find your keys."

"Well," Rebekah begins. "She can't find my body, it's halfway across the world."

Klaus rolls his eyes. "She has help."

"Bloody hell," Rebekah swore in remembrance. "Mazikeen created three hybrids with her blood, but one's dead."

"They're sired to Lunar. They'll do anything asks. She'll take the power back, she'll end the curses, she'll keep the firstborns safe. Then my daughter, as we know her, will be forever lost to darkness."


"I guess I've always been jealous of her." Rebekah states after seeing a picture of Mazikeen in Klaus's painting room. "I was jealous when I saw her with her kids, I was jealous when she became important to everyone, I guess I'm even jealous that she's dead."

Kol butts into his sister's conversation like only a brother would. "Wow, that's morrid to say about your best friend." Both turn to him as he leans on the door frame. "Freya, I'm trying to sort out the puzzle. Now, a Chambre de Chasse of this size would be constructed from the depth of memory, right?" She nods, knowing he knows. "But there's a room here that hasn't existed for a century. And, Lunar's never even been to the compound."

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