Winter Ball: Harry Potter [Fluff]

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[So, here, Voldemort never existed, Tom Riddle was a good guy, Lily and James are alive and everything is quite normal. There's the typical (well almost) high school drama. Oh, and James had been quite an influence on Harry. And, I'll be adding a new character here... Feel free to ask any questions in the comments :)] 

*6th Year* 

Y/N Y/L/N was one of the most beautiful girls in Hogwarts. No, correction, she was the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts. 

It was funny how nearly every boy in Hogwarts seemed to have a special place for her in their hearts. Many admired her personality. She was kind, sweet, clever, sporty and of course, she looked stunning. In short, she was the ideal girl every boy wanted.

Just like the other boys in Hogwarts, Harry Potter too admired this girl. He had gone to lengths to catch her attention, but he just wasn't able to do it.  

He wrote her secret letters, he worked hard to get better at Quidditch, hell, he even went about pestering Hermione to help him study so he could get better grades. Now, a few boys had given up hope when Y/N had stated that she wasn't interested in dating anyone. But Harry, the stubborn fellow he was, never gave up. 

Secretly, what Harry, or anyone for that matter, didn't know was that Y/N did start having feelings for him, but she was just too shy to tell him. She put up an act so people wouldn't think she liked him. 

"Hey babe, are you tired? 'Cause, you've been running through my mind all day" Harry started as soon as he saw the Y/H/C (Your Hair Colour) girl come to sit at the house table for dinner. 

"Harry?" she asked incredulously, "Didn't I tell you to stop?". "Oh, come on Y/N give this boy a chance," Ron started. "Ron! Uggh, stop annoying her" shouted an irritated Hermione, slapping Ron on the shoulder. Y/N threw Hermione a grateful look and smiled at her. Hermione was her best friend whom she considered as her sister. 

"Oi, stop it, all I said was-" Ron started, Hermione threw him a glare, and that was enough to shut him up, well, for now. 

"So, how was your day Y/N/N (Your Nick Name)?" Hermoine asked. "Oh well, it was okay. Unless you count the fact so many boys have still been pestering me to go out with them. Uggh!" Y/N answered as she served herself some of the food prepared for them by the house elves. "Just give me the name babe and watch how they're going to stay at least 10  feet away from you," Harry said, smirking. "Well, then, the first name would be Harry Potter. Go mind your own business, Harry," Y/N replied, annoyed. 

Harry fake cried as he said, "Ouch, look how this beautiful angel broke my heart". "Oh, don't worry mate, you'll make it" Ron added, dramatically. And people say girls are dramatic. 

"Well, I haven't signed up for any melodrama right now, come on Y/N let's go," Hermione said as she watched the two boys acting like idiots. "Yep, I'm not in a mood to put up with these two," Y/N said. 

The boys quietly watched them leave the Great Hall. "I want to ask her out but she keeps telling me the same thing and ignores me. I don't how I'm going to do this" Harry said frustratedly. "Don't worry mate, she'll come around sooner or later, after all, who wouldn't fall for your charms?" said Ron, trying to cheer his best mate. 

Just as they were talking, one of their other friends, Micheal, joined them for dinner. "Well, hello there mates," he said as he sat down. "Oh, hullo Micheal" Harry replied dejectedly. "Now what's the matter with you, Harry?" asked Micheal, mildly concerned. Micheal was just a year older than Harry and they were cousins. Micheal was Sirius' son. "Oh, that's nothing, he's just trying to get Y/N to go out with him," said Ron, stuffing his face with food.

"Oh, well, I'm sure she's bound to give into you sometime," said Micheal, attempting to cheer him up. "Or, you could just write a letter to your dad, I'm pretty sure he would be able to give you some advice," Micheal suggested. 

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