Part 2

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Saturday June 8:10pm

Sophi calls Ava

Sophi: Girl, I'm outside hurry up.

Ava: ok ok I'm coming, let me grab my purse.

Sophi is outside Ava's house, picking her up to head to the event. The sky is dark and foggy, which is not what you would want your typical party night to look like, but Mother Nature knows best.

Ava emerges from the front door almost busting her ass in her mini heels. She scurries over to Sophi's car in her black and gold pencil dress.

Ava: Hey girrrrll,..ouuuuu hold awwwnn you look goodt.

Sophi is wearing a red velvet dress with a side slit and heels.

Sophi blushes

Sophi: thanks girl, so do you! Who you tryna look cute for?

Ava: MYSELF! But I know who U tryna look cute for.

Sophi gives Ava the side eye

Ava: Don't worry girl, he's gonna think you look H.A.W.T

Sophi: trust me I know.

The car ride is about 30-45 minutes and Sophi and Ava spend the whole time bopping their favorite songs and on live.

Ava: Bye y'all, we almost there, wish us luck.

Ava ends the live

GPS: In 1 mile the destination will be on your right...

Ava: Damn, you sure this is the place?

Sophi: umm I guess sooo...

They are surrounded by small buildings and houses in what seems to be the rundown side of town.

As Sophi turns into the parking lot of the small brick building, they are met with a sketchy white van that is pulling out of the driveway

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As Sophi turns into the parking lot of the small brick building, they are met with a sketchy white van that is pulling out of the driveway.
Sophi and Ava both catch it, but don't say a word.

They both walk into the glass doors of the building and the inside is filled with decorations and strobe lights, but not a person in sight..well accept for Caleb and Jay.

Caleb: Hey ladies, y'all looking good....especially you, Sophi.

Ava and Sophi: Thanks.

Jay: Yeah, y'all cleaned up nice.

Ava: You look alright I guess.

Sophi: Wait so are we the only ones here?

Caleb: Yeah I guess, when we walked in, the doors were unlocked and the place had no one it.

Ava: hm...maybe we got the times mixed up?

Jay: fo sho let's go sit down, people will probably start popping in soon.

Jay, Ava, Caleb, and Sophi make their way to a nice tan couch in the corner of the room.

Jay: Ayo, Caleb did that girl text you back?

Caleb: Oh naw

Sophi: What girl?

Caleb: hm? Oh no uh just this girl I've been talking to.

Ava and Sophi glance a look at each other, both thinking the same thing.

Ava: Talking to? Whatchu mean.

Caleb: uh I've been talking wit her..nothing serious

Sophi: *scoffs* wow.

Jay: Uhhh..did I miss something?

Sophi: oh nothing, just Caleb being a lying ass bitch as per usual.

Ava and Jay's jaws drop.

Caleb: Yo, Sophi what's you're problem?

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Caleb: Yo, Sophi what's you're problem?

Sophi: My problem? You're  the one who leads people on and then leaves them in the dust...Caleb, know I like you and I thought  you liked me back, but of course you have to go behind my back and talk to all your hoes.

Caleb: *pfff* Behind you're back? Quite frankly, I didn't think who I was speaking to was any of your fucking business cause we aren't together, for this reason actually?

Sophi: what do you mean? What's the reason?

Caleb: b-Because....because you're so controlling. All you do is worry about what I got goin on in my life. Some advise: worry about yourself.

Sophi: Hey at least I'm not a low life, who only cares about their body count and daddy's money. Some advice: Find a hobby

Caleb stands up abruptly. Jay stands up to interfere before anything crazy happens.

Jay: woah woah guys chill outttt. Tonight is supposed to be fun aight. So let's all calm down and have fun.

Caleb: whatever, imma step outside and catch come air.

20 minutes pass and still no one has shown up.

Ava: Alright, this shit is weird. Why are we the only ones?

Sophi: I don't know, but I'm getting tired...I think we should head out.

Jay: yea yea me too. We can all go to my place and have pizza and watch a movie or something

Sophi: ou I'm down...where's Caleb it's been a fat minute. 

Jay: oh yeah? Let me go n grab him

Jay gets up to go find Caleb

Sophi: Ava, do you think what I said to Caleb was a little too much?

Ava: uhhhhhh no no no of course not. He deserved it. This isn't the first time he's played wit you're feelings. It was time you set him straight.

Sophi: Yeah, but I didn't really mean what I said. I hope he didn't take it to heart.

Ava: Nahh i don't think he did. He's a big boy, he can handle it. And he knows the past y'all have, so you already know he's finna come running back taking back all the things he said.

Sophi: You right, ugh that white boy is such a pain in the ass, he lucky he so fine. 

Jay storm back in the room holding what seems to be Caleb's phone tightly in one hand and panting trying to catch his breath.

Jay: GUYS! I can't find Caleb...

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