i can't belive people actually live like this

Start from the beginning

The teen stepped into the shower and let the gentle spray hit her, she didn't even mind the the water was hot enough to leave her skin red, all she cared about was that it was a hot shower, "People actually live like this" she thought to herself. She grabbed the shampoo bottle and started massaging it into her hair, suddenly she winced as she got to the back of her head, thats when she recalled Peggy hitting her in the back of the head to knock her out, the SSR probably hadn't bothered to check it out, they probably forgot about it with everything going on well even she did, it's not like it hurt, she's had much worse but it was uncomfortable at the most, she brushed it off and continued with her shower. When she got out Lorna wiped a hand over the foggy mirror and looked at herself, she looked well, tired, there were some bruises on her body that hadn't finished healing, scars around her neck from the power dampening colar they made her wear and the scar around her right wrist, yes she heals a bit faster that the avarage person, but living with it every day for her whole live left its marks, and no matter how strong she looked and she was, she still looked small, "well i guess thats the point of the Red Room, to look as defenseless as possible from the outside," .deceit. the only thing she's ever known, another reason not to trust Peggy everyone wanted something from her the few people she's trusted in her short lifetime have stabbed her in the back one way or another, before she knew it she had a tear running down her cheek, she wiped it of immediately, and shook her head "you're a widow, you don't cry", she put on a towel and grabbed the clothes outside the bathroom door.

Meanwhile this was happening Peggys mind was also racing.

Peggys POV:

I have been running around the flat trying to find anything Lorna could possibly find about Stark or the SSR, the last thing i need is Lorna telling the SSR that I'm helping Howard and her finding out SSR business she doesn't need to know, i sit down on the bed and the gravity of what I agreed to dawned on me, "Bloody hell," i whispered to myself, and laid down, how on earth am I suppose to know what to do, I've never really had any experience with children, let alone ones that have gone through what Lornas gone through, whatever that is, I've never really wanted children, if i had one I would be putting them in danger everyday with my work, and staying at home has never truly been an option, "It's only until we get things sorted out," i keep telling myself, how on earth am i suppose to hide the fact that I'm working with Howard, maybe I could leave her in the SSR for a while, I groan quietly, as much as i despise paperwork it's probably the only thing to distract me right now, my thoughts were interrupted by Lorna popping her head out and getting the clothes i left for her, I got my own things ready, and Lorna walks out of the bathroom, I gave her the smallest pair of pajamas I could find and they still looked big on her, "Have a good shower,?" I ask getting my things and handing her a hair brush "It was..nice," "good" she takes the brush and sat starts brushing her hair, "I'm showering now, no funny business, i mean it," I say giving her a stern look, she looks like she was going to say something when she winces to which I furrow my brows "Are you alright,?" "Im fine," she answers sharply "you just give.. one hell of a head blow," she jokes but I can tell there are bitter undertones, I mentally face palm myself, I hit her pretty hard and didn't even think of checking her head, I put my things on the bathroom sink, and walk to where Lorna was standing, sho looked at me and and flinched a little, I put my hands out to show i wasn't going to hurt her "I just want to check your head, make sure there isn't a lot of damage," "Im fine." "Lorna an injury to the head can be extremely dangerous, sit down." i say a little bit more harsh, she contemplates for a second before letting me lead her to my vanity and sit her down, I put my hand out so that she gives me the brush, which she does and I start gently brushing and parting her hair down the middle, now i can see where I hid her and suddenly i feel bad on how hard i hit her, the hot shower probably washed out the dried blood but there was still some on her scalp and a red bruise in the point of impact, I grab my first aid kid and carefully heal her injury, I can see her face in the mirror when i first but the cotton on her head but after that her face is blank and i finish with no mishaps, "There you go," Lorna meets my eyes through the mirror and quietly thanks me. "Alright, now I'm truly going to shower, you know the rules," Lorna nods and i close the door.


I walk out of the shower to find Lorna looking out the window near the tiny kitchen, if you can call it that, but what catches my attention is the beautiful, complex braids she was wearing, two four strand braids that went from the top of her head to the small of her back with her white strand of hair loose in the front, (which were strategically placed to cover her scars which luckily Peggy hadn't noticed or at least hasn't mentioned), she didn't turn around but quietly said "they look happy," I gathered that she was talking about the women outside the building, who at this time were always laughing and gossiping about their days with each other "Yes they do, apparently they must gossip about their days without fail," i say, trying to lighten the tense mood in the room "Can you imagine having that level of ignorance, not knowing what really happens around here," she says, it sounds more like she's talking to herself, but i answer anyways "No, actually," i say trully thinking about it, "I guess thats what keeps them happy," she says, I honestly don't know how to answer to that, which is strange for me. I put on some tea and offer some to Lorna and we sit down on the small table "Got anything stronger?" she asks, I look up at her "Please tell me you're joking," she shrugs and goes back to looking out the window, while I take a deep breath.

The rest of the night goes quietly we finish getting ready for bed, i pin my hair and grab my book of symbols and Lorna cleans up the cups, we finish getting ready form bed with no words exchanged until we hear a pipe move on the outside, Lornas head turned first and then i hear it, she's on her feet in a blink of an eye I grab my gun hidden in my bed and Lorn grabs a kitchen knife, I open the window and point the gun at a man hanging on the window "Clearly you don't know the rules of the house," "Is this not apartment 3F?" the man asks, I clock my gun and ask who he is, Lorna is standing besides me, "Kill him already," she tells me in Russian, I put a hand up telling Lorna to wait not taking my eyes off the man "Jimmy. My girlfriend Molly lives here I swear. Five five, blonde, works at Bonwit Teller," Lorna hasn't met her but I did, I rolled my eyes "Next one over," Lorna looks at me and and out of the corner of my eye I see her frown slightly and then relax only a tiny tiny bit "Would it be so much trouble If i could--," Lorna slams the window closed "Have a nice night," comes the muffled voice from outside, I see Lona walking back to the couch/ makeshift bed without leaving the knife in the kitchen "Ah, don't even thing about it," the girl turns around and i put my hand out and motion her to give it to me, she slowly walks over and sets it down on the counter "Good try," she quietly grumbles about something in Russian I couldn't quite catch, i took a deep breath and told her it was time to sleep so I turned of the lights and hoped for an uneventful rest of the night.

hope you like it comments are always appreciated <3

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