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Takemitchi pov

'What the hell is this!?....did I just time leaped!?' I said in my head What the hell is happening...?!' I said again in my head then I saw the calendar it's
June 2008 ' but this isn't 12 years ago!?' I scream in my head ' It's 10 years ago now..!!' I scream again in my head " I'm in highschool now!!" I shout " your kidding me?" I said then someone show up " hey Takemitchi?" Akkun said " good morning" Takuya said " your quite early today for someone who's always late" Yamagishi said " Akkun..Makato... Takuya... Yamagishi..?" I said while looking at them Then some one suddenly hugged my shoulder " Yo... Takemitchi!!" Hakkai said " Have you studied in our final exam!?" Hakkai said while smiling at me ' Huh... who's is this!?' I asked my self " The moment I sat on the chair I felt sleepy..." Hakkai said while scratching his nape
" Hakkai is pretty helpless despite to his looks..." Takuya said " Totally.." Makato said ' Hakkai!!!' I said in my head " Come on let's go!" Akkun said

No one's pov

"Huh...!? Where's Chifuyu?" Takemitchi said then he suddenly run to find Chifuyu then he opened the door while panting " Chifuyu!!??" Takemitchi said " oh...Hey takemitchi" Chifuyu said " what's up?" Chifuyu asked then Takemitchi suddenly cried
"I shook hands with Mikey in the future!" Takemitchi said while sobbing " Chifuyu!?" Takemitchi shout
" Huh!?..... Don't Tell me your takemitchi from the future!?" Chifuyu said in shocked " yeah...and here I am!" Takemitchi said while sobbing
" But why...!?" Chifuyu asked " Mika and I have a promise.." takemitchi said while wiping his tears " then let's find Mika...!?" Chifuyu said then they leave to find Mika " Mika is dead in the future.." takemitchi said while running " what!??" Chifuyu said in shocked while running " And I need to save Mika and Mikey.." takemitchi said " let's just find them!" Chifuyu shout

They saw the twin laughing with Draken, Rena , and Izana. Chifuyu and Takemitchi approach them " Mika!!!!" They shout that made everyone turned thier eyes on them " Hmmmm" Mikey said " Takemitchi" Draken said " why you here?" Izana asked and Mika and Rena are still silent " Mika..." Takemitchi said while panting " Yeah partner.." Chifuyu said
" Huh...... You came back..." Mika said in serious voice that made everyone flinched cause earlier she's laughing
" Yeah....." Takemitchi said " Let's talk Tomorrow.....I know what will you say..." Mika said in serious voice again
" Tomorrow meet me at ******** " Mika said " okay..." Chifuyu said
" At 4 pm...okay?" Mika said

Then Chifuyu and Takemitchi leave
" Mika are you okay...?" Rena asked
" I'm fine.." Mika said in whisper
" You sure..?" Izana asked
Then Mika Suddenly hugged Mikey
" Brother..." Mika said " Don't leave us okay....." Mika said " What are you talking about I'm not going to leave you all..... Brother Izana said Our older brother is going home " Mikey said while patting Mika's head " Promise..." Mika said " promise." Mikey said while smiling " Oi ..... Rena are going to her class..." Draken said
Then the twin break the hug " Huh....Rena... Good luck to your class..." Mika said while smiling " Yeah you too..." Rena said then she leave

" You brother you will not go to your class..?" Mikey asked Izana " I am.... I'm just making sure you and Mika are going to your class " Izana said while smiling then Mika Suddenly hugged Izana " Good luck brother..." Mika said while smiling " I'll get going.." Izana said while walking away " come home early Emma will scold us!!" Mikey shout "Bye..." Mika said then Izana leave " did you just forgot about me?" Draken said " yep...." Mika said " My seems like you're not going to our class....." Mika said " Yeah....." Mikey said while scratching his nape " idiot...." Mika said in low tone bit Mikey Heard her
" What did you just say?" Mikey said in creepy smile "Nothing....." Mika said then she suddenly run and Mikey Chase her with Draken " Hey!! Come back here!!" Mikey shout while running " will hit my head!!" Mika shout while running too
" You both are so stubborn.... I will tell this to Emma " Draken said running with Mikey and to what he said the twin stop running " Kenchin..." The twin said while glaring at Draken that made him flinched " If Emma knew this I will kill you...." The twin said that made him flinched again " O...okay stop glaring at me okay...." Draken said then the twin played again " Now... Come back here Mika!!!" Mikey said while laughing
" No....!!" Mika said then she tripped
That made her plopped down her face laying on the ground " Ouch...." Mika said while tearing up then Mikey and Draken approach her " you okay..?" Draken said " Mika..." Mikey said
"  Brother it's hurt..." Mika said while showing her knee " Emma will scold us if she see you like this.." Mikey said while smiling " Here... I will give a piggy back ride " Mikey said " it's your chase me so I run...." Mika said while tearing up " okay...okay..." Mikey said while smiling and patting Mika's head then Mika hop on Mikey's back " am I heavy..?" Mika asked " your so light....did you eat properly?" Mikey asked  " Yeah.....Emma always Force me to eat vegetables..." Mika said while squeezing Mikey's neck..
" Kenchin.....You will come in our house okay..." Mika said and still squeezing Mikey's neck " O...okay....Stop squeezing my neck ... you'll choking me..." Mikey said then Mika stop it " Kenchin.....You will always come with us okay..?" Mika said " yeah... Sure..." Draken said
" Brother......Make sure Kenchin will not tell this to Emma.... I'm sure she will scold us in 1 hour...." Mika said
" Sure......" Mikey said while smiling

Then they talking while walking they always laughing especially the twin

They didn't know takemitchi and Chifuyu are watching them
" I see.... Mikey loves his twin so much..." Takemitchi said " yeah.." Chifuyu said " I wonder..." Chifuyu said " Wonder what ?" Takemitchi said " If Mika is gone in the future like what you said.....then we need to protect Mika because she's the one who cause why Mikey have a dark impulse...." Chifuyu said " yeah...." Takemitchi said "

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