Light regains his memory

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You woke up feeling a heavy weight on your chest. It was your cat.

One day ago:

You rushed into the living room where the whole task force was

"Who's taking care of C/n? I let her walk around the building, but I haven't seen her lately. Where is she?" You ask anxiously.

You haven't been that attentive to your cat. You allowed her to wander around the building since you figured there weren't any threats around. You noticed that the food bowls you'd left out were never being eaten, so you got worried.

"Oh, N/n.. c/n has been in my room.. she hasn't been leaving." Matsuda said, he forgot that she was your cat. He had gotten so attached to her.

"Phew. I thought something bad happened to her" you sigh in relief

"I can take you to her. She's in my room. " Matsuda offers, before he realizes that it might have been inappropriate to invite you into his room.

"I mean, if you want to, I can." Matsuda was stumbling over his words.

You give Matsuda a reassuring smile. "It's alright, please take me to her."

You rushed Matsuda out before either Light or L could interfere. As you both were walking and talking to each other, he spoke up.

"Um.. N/n, I'm a little worried about you."

"Hm? Why is that?" You asked curiously.

"Well, Light and L seem a little... controlling over you," Matsuda expressed concern.

"Not at all. They can't and won't make me do anything I don't want. Don't worry," you tell him.

"What makes you think that?" You question

"Well... last time we went out together, they both appeared out of nowhere," Matsuda started off saying.

"Yeah, that was a pretty rude thing to do," you sigh, remembering.

"Well, after that, I got more work that made me stay up all night. I also don't get to manage you as much anymore" Matsuda says

"I mean, can you believe that?" Matsuda continued to rant to you until you made it to the door. He opens the door and lets you in. You see, your cat cuddled up in some of Matsuda's clothes.

Matsuda looks at the clothes and notices some boxers in a pile and rushes to take the cat off and frantically tries to explain

"N/n! I-uhm" Matsuda tries to find an excuse, but you simply grab your cat.

"Thanks for bringing me to my cat. No worries, I came here without giving you time to clean. Thanks for taking care of c/n," you say, sparing him from the embarrassment of his boxers.

"You are welcome to come to my room to see C/n." You let him know before leaving.

You leave the room with a smile. You noticed he had gotten some cat toys. It seems like he had really started to like c/n.

Back to the present day:

You quickly stood up and looked at the time. It seems like it has been a few hours since you fell asleep. You prepared food for c/n before you left for the main room where everyone was.

"...there's no one else in the car, right?" Light asked, as he watched the video displayed on the screen. It was Higuchi talking to Rem, but since Misa hadn't tornched the paper, it was only you who saw it.

"Hey", you walked in awkwardly.

Damn that stupid task for embarrassing me like that

Only For YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora