Death on the Nile - Agatha Christie

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Death on the Nile - Agatha Christie

Date Completed: 1/27/22

Rating: 4/10

I'm so sorry to my boyfriend and my grandmother, who are both avid fands of Agatha Christie and were the ones who insisted I read it. 

I'm not just a fan of Agatha Christie-

Murder on the Orient Express was the only book of hers that I enjoyed.

The beginning of the book was so s l o w and took forever, and there are WAY too many characters.

And all of that hastle for the exact outcome I was expecting the entire time? 

For it to just be some wack-ass version of Romeo and Juliet?

Nah. I'm good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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