Norse Mythology- Neil Gaiman

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Book: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

Date Completed: July 1st, 2021.

Rating: 9/10

I wish it was longer! Also, there were just a few continuity errors, which does make sense given mythology never links up exactly. It's an amazing book. I read this on a trip where I read so many good books!

As a Marvel fan, it was amazing to see the true myths that sparked the comics and movies. Seething the differences and similarites was such an intereting thing, and most of the myths could fit into the lore of the MCU; although that's not the purpose of the ancient Nordic myths.

I'm just saying.

Loki should rip his penis off by a goat in the MCU.

Just saying.

Marvel aside, this is an incredible book for people who love ancient civilizations. Everyone knows about Greek and Roman mythology, but in my opinion, Norse Mythology is the richest and most interesting.

All in all, loved it!

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