Wilburs panic

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"I'm pregnant"

Tears then started rolling down the girls face

Wilbur stood there in shock
Wilburs eyes met down at sally face
He then quickly ran to sally,
Almost tackling her into a hug
" y- your not mad..?"
Sally said while digging her face into Wilbur's shirt.
"no of course not! Just.. a bit surprised that's all.."
Wilbur said holding sally against him

Few minutes later Ik I'm lazy 🙄

No one's pov:

Sally and Wilbur then had a talk about the baby and what there family would think of it
They both knew Phil wouldn't be so suppressed
But they will never give up that baby they love that baby to bits they swore to never let anyone or anything hurt there baby.
But meanwhile at the willams house
It was a state
Phil was a mess!?
Kristen tried to calm Phil down but Phil was worried if anything had happened to Wilbur or sally as Wilbur seemed scared and nervous leaving the house will hasn't left his room in three week and now he just leaves scared and nervous to meet sally?!

At the house:

"Phil please just sit down for a couple of seconds?"
Kristen said face palming

Phil pasting all around the kitchen mumbling words only he can hear
Phil has extreme anxiety and gets worried about his kids way to much,


Wilbur burst through the door sobbing like crazy

Phil said softening voice

"Wilbur what's wro-"

Wilbur then rushed pass them both
While running up the stairs leaving the front door open


Kristen and phil both flinch

Kristen quickly shuts the front door while phil zooms upstairs.

After Kristen shuts the door she runs upstairs following after phil

Phil lightly knocks the door
"Will, you don't have to tell us what happened now but you need to know you have to at least tell someone.. not now when you feel comfortable okay it don't have to be me it can be anyone-"
Phil got cut off
Will shouted
"K mate"
Phils said in a soft tone
He then turns to Kristen with a small frown
And walks past her downstairs and slouches on the couch
Kristen gose after him and sits down next him
She then pulls him into a hug and turns on the tv to calm down phil

(Amazing wife right)

Tommys pov:

I couldn't help but over hear everything
Even from downstairs
I really want to check on Wilbur but I'm scared-
I don't wanna get hit again?
Wilbur wouldn't hit me?
The thoughts consumed tommy
Go check on Wilbur
Do it
He's going to hit you
Your going to get sent back
He's thoughts got disturbed
By a loud bang
Tommy quickly stood up and ran out his room to see if Wilbur was okay
Tommy looks down the hallway to see techno standing outside his door with a worried look
Tommy walks over to techno
And whispers
"Is he okay..?"

" I'm not sure tommy that's why i came here"
Techno said looking back at tommy
Tommy didn't even hesitate and knocked on wilburs door
The voices.. well thoughts consumed the boy again until Wilbur spoke
"Who's there-"
Wilburs voice sounded shaky as if he had been crying
"It's tommy and techno..?"
I spoke
Then his door unlocks slowly
Techno hesitates but pulls open the door
And we both find Wilbur in the corner
With blood all over his fist while the wall was cracked
He punched his wall.. why?
I rush over to Wilbur giving him a hug not minding the blood that gets over me
Techno stepped  into the room and shut the door behind him
Techno had pure shock on his face as he's never seen his brother like this before
I let go of Wilbur and grab his hand then scanned his cuts and bruises
He had bruises on his fingers and cuts on his knuckles
" i will be right back"
I said standing and exist the room
I go to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit,
And then went back to wilburs room i open and close the door
I go sit down next to Wilbur and open the first aid kit grabbing anti bacteria wipes and bandages.
I grab wilburs hand and hold up the wipe
"This is going to sting okay"
I said
Wilbur nodded in response
I gently wipe the cuts and the blood running down his fingers being careful of his bruises
Will flinched a little during it but he seemed okay
I took the bandages with one hand and started wrapping wilburs hand in it
And then i gently put wilburs hand back down
"Okay will what's going on-"
I say meeting wilburs eyes
Techno walked over and sat next to me then looked at Wilbur with a worried expression
"I- uhh"
Wilbur started stuttering and went quiet for a few seconds
" i got my girlfriend pregnant okay-"
Technos eyes widen
And then i bursts out laughing
I couldn't help it-
Techno looked over at me covering his face while chuckling
Wilbur looked confused
"Your first ever girlfriend and you get her pregnant"
Techno said laughing even harder than before
"Fuck off techno"
Wilbur said with a little soft chuckle
"Why are you so mad about it anyways?"
I ask looking back at him again
" i wasn't mad i was just scared I'd mess up and  then my thoughts turned into anger-"
Wilbur replied honestly
  I then go to hug will again changing his frown to a soft smile

No one's pov:

Minutes later  after the boys talked and tried to make Wilbur feel better they joked around and  laughed,
They then all fell asleep snuggling each other  there thoughts gotten lost as they all bonded
They felt better again as the worry has left them all :)

like i really gotta stop making dark turns man 💀 HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER
sorry for not writing in a while my motivation went down the drain
Sorry for any spelling errors!

Words: 1042 <3 :)))

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