the packroom

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Max had another shit race after getting hit in the first lap and having to drive with half of a car. It was useless. He was totally fed up with the last two races and Max felt on edge. He didn't know what to feel but wasn't able to relax either. He needed Daniel or Christian maybe even Checo would help him. He looked around the paddock. He had just finished media duties the paddock was busy with people still trying to get a reaction from the drivers. But a couple of drivers were already gone because they had to retire the car after the first lap incident including Daniel and Checo.

Max slowly made his way back to the Red Bull motorhome. The only option he had right now seemed to be Christian. He looked around but didn't see anyone. Max's hands were slightly trembling and he just wanted to shift. He looked around and saw a couple of drivers walking out of the packroom. Max took a deep breath and decided to walk to the packroom. It couldn't hurt to look through the window right?

He was almost there when he heard a couple of new voices. He quickly hide between a couple of boxes and waited till the voices were gone. He went over to the window of the room it looked empty. He didn't see anyone inside. Max carefully and slowly opened the door. He took a foot inside and took another careful look around. There was nobody there besides a lot of blankets and pillows. He made his way towards some of the pillows. He could smell all of their smells it was comforting in a way. He understood why everyone came here.

Max suddenly felt empty and sad. Maybe he should have directly come here after his first race which was seven years ago. It was at that moment Max realized he hadn't stepped foot in this room since he had joined Torro Rosso. Max picked up almost all the pillows in the room and made one big pile. He then collected most of the blankets. Max didn't want anything more than to shift but he couldn't he didn't want anyone to find him as a kitten. He lied down on all of the pillows and throw a couple of blankets over himself. It didn't take long before he fell asleep.

It was late at night and Sebastian had just got the call that he was disqualified from the race because of fuel. He was mad but more disappointed. He was finally back on the podium and then something like this had to happen. He was walking through the paddock after coming from the FIA. He didn't want to go anywhere and just wanted to go back to his hotel as soon as possible.

However, when he looked over to his right he saw the lights being on in the packroom. He was sure he turned them off when he left and he remembered being the last one to leave with Kimi and Valtteri. He opened the door and went to turn the lights off when he saw someone lying down in the middle of the room curled up in the pillows and the blankets. Sebastian took a couple of steps towards the driver inside the mess. It took him only a couple of seconds to realize the driver in the mess was Max.

Sebastian didn't know what to do. It was late and the young driver probably hadn't eaten yet but there must have been a reason for Max to come back to the packroom. While Sebastian started to think he realized the boy never was in the packroom directly after the race nor even before. Sebastian couldn't even remember the last time the younger driver was in this room. He looked back towards the younger man it didn't take long before he saw Max his face changing from a relaxed one to a painted one. Sebastian didn't know what was going on but Max his whole body started to tremble and he started to mumble in Dutch. Sebastian could understand a couple of words and it looked like the younger boy asked someone to stop.

It broke Sebastian's heart and he carefully crouched down next to the younger man. "Max, wake up," Sebastian had to repeat the sentence a couple of times while slowly and carefully shaking the boy, for Max to wake up.

Max woke up scared from his nap. He looked around trying to figure out where he was when he realized he was in the packroom he turned his head and looked directly into the worried eyes of Sebastian. This is not what Max wanted. The older driver looked like he wanted to say something but closed his mouth again. Max sat up and realized how hands were shaking a little bit. Gosh, he needed to get that under control. He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down.

Cat! Max/ Orange kittenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن