𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 - T-w-o

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Jungkook's POV:

I just finished teaching and I was going home.

I got up and grabbed my keys, phone and wallet and walked out of my room (which is a science Lab) and locked the door with my key that were on my car keys and walked through the hall to the main entrance and exit.

It was a sunny beautiful beaming day with a spring-ish summer vibe and delightful dandelions standing out, I unlocked my car and sat inside and starting rewinding the car out of the staff parking lot and drove home.

I walked up on my porch where a black matt door stands and a golden knob, I opened the door to see my parents waiting for me and I immediately greet them warmly "hey mom and dad! how have you been?" "we are doing completely fine love, we came to talk to you about something" my mom spoke slowly walking over and sitting on the couch, followed by me and my dad.

"I wanted to ask do you mind if we choose who you marry?" my dad then followed on the topic I looked at them with a soft smile "of course it would be a pleasure" I added on making them look at each other and nod. 

"We found a boy that's perfect for you are you willing to marry him?" mom said excitedly and I replied "Of course I would marry him what's his name? and age or what he does?" I asked puzzled, "he's a college student and he is 24 years old and his name is Park Jimin" 

"Wait What!? mom, dad he's my student!" I said in complete shock "oh are you okay with that I mean that would be an advantage for you actually" She said concerned I was going to say no, "I mean I'm fine with it I guess but don't you think it's weird marrying you student and marrying you professor? I mean I'm not saying no but-" 

I said until I was cut off by my mom "If your okay with it it's settled! You will marry Park Jimin"  i just simply went along with it because I didn't want to break my parents heart they have always done the best for me so I said "Okay mom I will marry him but have you asked him yet?" I said locking my eyes with my mother as she speaks "I was talking to his parents and they said they will talk to him" she says passing a charming smile to me.

"I hope Jimin is alright with this  marriage between a student and professor"  I silently asked myself.

Jimin's POV:

I just came home from college to see my parents  waiting for me I closed the door and greeted them "Mom,Dad! I missed you guys how was work?" I said sitting on the couch and gesturing them to sit too "work was fine hun, how was college?" my mom asked as she sat besides my dad "college was fun we have a new professor his name is Jeon Jungkook " I say looking at them "Oh Jeon Jungkook's your new professor!?" Mom says looking shocked "yeah you know him?" I said confused of what was happening 

"Hun, we were about to say you are going to marry him" she said looking down upset I was going to reject the proposal  "marry him? Mom look I won't reject I'm saying yes don't be upset please I can't see you upset" I said in a soft tone holding her hand "so your going to marry him?" she said looking in my eyes with a threaten of a tear falling "yes mom I am going to marry Jeon Jungkook" I said wiping the tear that rolled on to her cheek.

"yay! Jimin I love you so much my baby!" she said kissing my cheek over and over again I chuckled as she stopped "mom when are we going to meet him?" I said  as she stepped back "we are going to meet them for dinner tomorrow since none of you are going to college" she said as her divine smile appeared. "Okay mom I'll be ready for tomorrow!" I said going to hug my dad "son i'm so proud of you, you really are my prince" My dad said kissing my hair and hugging my tightly "I think you should rest this information is a lot to take and we don't want you to be tired from thinking up late about this marriage" my dad said as I said "okay Goodnight Mom, Dad!" I said running up the stairs "Goodnight Jiminine! Love you" my dad said.

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙏𝙤 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙧 ||  𝙅𝙞𝙆𝙤𝙤𝙠जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें