Chapter 2

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Ozrael had escorted Karamatsu to the lobby. They both sat in front of each other with a coffee table between them.

"I love you..." Karamatsu said, staring straight into Ozrael's eyes with an innocent face. Ozrael smiles back, softly.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." He repetitively repeats aloud. At first, it sounded insecure. Eventually, it sounded secure, real. This was as if he was trying to convince himself. Convince himself from what exactly though?

Was it true though? Sure, Ozrael has a special place within Karamatsu's heart. Likewise, Karamatsu has a special place within Ozrael's heart. Certainly, they have an intimate relationship going on. But, are their emotions truly mutual..?

Fuzzy emotions from the last chapter had disappeared. The two men only stared at each other. One, whose eyes lost the shine it used to have. Always equipped with sunglasses to frequently participate in a masquerade party. It was nearly impossible to see behind the dark shades. The other, whose eyes twinkle like stars. It searches for something desperately. But, unable to find it, he sought out to start or play games.

The silence between them prickled the air. Perhaps because they were too busy lost in each other's eyes. Was it love? Was it anger? Who knows what they were feeling. Who knows what they were thinking. Everything was too confusing.

No one could bring themself to break the silence. It was simply torture to the rest of the brothers.

By standing up, Karamatsu broke the heated tension in the air. "I love you..." He said for the sixth time.

"Hahaha! I'm off to patrol." Again, his reaction plays with the hearts of those confuzzled already. "My sweet Jyuvak, let's go."

"Aye!" Jyuvak cheered as he ran up to Karamatsu.

Tory couldn't even restate that he planned to go in Karamatsu's stead. He just watches the suited blue and yellow men walk out the building, side by side. The stupid boss's game had long started. How it will play out and end was unknown.

Despite Jyuvak's mouth wide open in a smile, even he felt awkward around Karamatsu. But, he didn't let it show. He believed that by smiling proudly, it will be easier to help fight off stress for himself and everyone.

Their walk was long, indeed, cold unspoken lips were trying their best to break down the awkwardness. It was especially difficult for these top three laugh makers (the other being Ozrael, of course, though he was more of the carefree type).

When the mood became too excruciating, Karamatsu took the responsibility of speaking first. "What a marvelous night, isn't it my sweet Jyuvak, hmm?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Though Karamatsu-san's look is much more fascinating tonight!!"

"Aww~ Where did you learn to talk like that, huh, you flirtatious sweet boy! I'm charmed!" Karamatsu said, delighted. He looks up at the sky. "Under this very sky, the dawn (can mean beginning and end) of the sun and moon has its own unique brilliance. This, I learned during my travels."

Jyuvak didn't quite understand his analogy but he bounced in agreement with a bright smile. "I love to see Karamatsu-san happy! Is Karamatsu-san happy? Are we making Karamatsu-san happy?"

"Why, of course! Being a part of the Mangroves makes me super duper happy!"

If it was in anyways possible, Jyuvak's smile got bigger and he bounced quicker. Which only adds more bliss to Karamatsu. Then, Jyuvak stopped for a moment, his face getting uncharacteristically serious left Karamatsu confused.

"Does that mean your other brothers didn't make you happy? Were they bad to you?"

"Hm?" Karamatsu had genuinely not expected him to ask something like this.

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