Chapter 28

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The throbbing in my head is almost unbearable when I wake up. I was thankful for the blackout curtains in my bedroom otherwise I’m positive I would be worshipping the toilet gods right now. I notice the bottle of water sitting on my nightstand and I flashback to Harrison carrying me into my bedroom and tucking me in. I’m not sure how he knew we needed some assistance getting home from The Pub, but he was there for me. He’s always there for me.

I chug the water and then stumble into the bathroom. A long, hot shower does the body well and I’m already feeling like a new person after I emerge from my bedroom. I’m hit instantly with the smell of pancakes and bacon causing my stomach to growl for sustenance. I don’t even remember the last time I ate something, maybe at the bar last night? I don’t remember much about the bar last night though.

“Good morning my sweet ray of sunshine!” My mom is way too cheerful for my hangover. She’s standing at the stove with a spatula in hand.

“Not so loud, Ma. I’m still in recovery mode.”

“At least you didn’t wake up to all the pots and pans in the kitchen.” I didn’t even notice Blair sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on a cup of coffee. Another memory comes back to me, Harrison wasn’t alone last night, he brought one of the guys from the station with him. I couldn’t put a name to the fuzzy face in my memory.

“You’re here.” I make as a statement.

“Yes, I am. Do you not remember your knight rescuing us last night and bringing us here?”

“Yes and no. I remember him being there and I remember him making sure I got into bed, but I don’t recall anything about you once we left the bar. No offense.”

“None taken. I haven’t overdone it with alcohol like that in a long time. I was just glad my clothes stayed on.”

I laugh but then grab at my head, “Ouch, don’t be funny, please.” Mom sets a plate of pancakes down in front of us and we both dig in. “Thank you so much, Mom. You didn’t have to do this.”

“It was nothing, Angie. The two of you are working so hard, you need your energy for another long day.”

“I love my mom, Beth, but can you also be my mom?”

“Sure thing, darling. Eat up so you can go home to your son and not look like death ran over you.”

“Ouch, Mama Beth, that was a bit too close to something my own mom would say.”

“That’s why we all get along so well.” Blair and I dig into our food and my mom comes back out into the kitchen a few minutes later with her purse slung over her shoulder. “Okay, girls. I’m off for the morning. Don’t forget to drink more water after you finish your coffee and stay hydrated today.”

“Where are you going, Mom?”

“Places to go and people to see. You know me, Angie, I can’t sit still for a moment.”

Mom gives us both a kiss goodbye and she’s off on her adventures for the day. She is hardly ever home except for dinner and to sleep. She says I know she can’t sit still, but that wasn’t always the case. I thought the move to Strawberry was good for me, but it has been a new life for my mom as well. She’s more independent than she’s been in years and she doesn’t need to get on public transportation or ask for a ride to go see her friends.

Blair comes back to the table with the coffee pot and tops off both of our mugs. She sits back in her chair with her knees pulled up against her chest. “So…guess what I found out yesterday?”

One of the Good Ones (Strawberry Inn Book #1) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat