“And as for the stone, you can only call a spirit at a time, and it won’t be able to interact with the world at all. And like I said before you can’t call the spirit if it’s from the field of punishment, from the list of people you are forbidden for interacting and if it has been reincarnated.” He said.

“okay father,” I said. Then I left to my room to pack my belongings for tomorrow and slept.

Next morning, I took my bag, sheathed my swords and knives into the belt and left.

I emerged from the shadow of a pine tree. The camp was located at the shore of an island surrounded by hills. I was on the tallest one. There were numbers of buildings, a forest and a farm below me. I slowly made my way to the farm house where I was greater by a centaur. He was tall with a white stallion where his legs should have been. There were other children all wearing orange t-shirts roaming freely.

“Excuse me.” I said nervously.

“Yes,” said the centaur.

“Is this camp half-blood?”

“yes, it is. And you are?”

“Harry potter, sir,”

“You can call me Chiron. Welcome to camp Harry Potter.”

Suddenly everything got silent. Everyone was staring at me. Even Chiron paled a little. I gulped. I hope I have not made a mistake by coming here.I knew what happened. I have been claimed. I slowly looked up, surely there was a dark symbol; a circle of black flames, father’s helm of darkness.

“It is determined.” He said.

“Hades,” Chiron announced: “god of dead and riches; hail Harry  Potter: Lord of Underworld.”

Chiron made a girl named Lou Ellen Black stone, daughter of Hectate to give me the tour of camp after I was claimed. She was about my age; she had dark hair and green eyes. She showed my armoury, strawberry Fields, climbing wall, dining pavilion and all other places of camp.

Finally, she showed me the cabins. There was twelve of them arranged in a U. A cabin for each Olympian but none for Hades despite him being one of the great three. I clenched my fist at this.

She took me to the cabin eleven, the cabin of Hermes, where I will be staying because there is no cabin of father. It was packed with boys and girls hanging on their beds. I looked around their face, some sullen and suspicious, some grinning stupidly, some eying me as if they were waiting for a chance to pick my pockets, some looked totally different, they were probably like me, children of gods and goddesses without cabin.

“Harry potter, meet cabin eleven.” She announced.

The oldest one who looked to be about seventeen stood up when they noticed me. He had a short black hair and mischievous smile.

“Hi, I am George Beischel, head counsellor for cabin eleven.” He introduced.

“Harry Potter.” I said nervously.

Harry Potter The Prince Of UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now