" Chuuu stop it.." Jennie begs.

" Say it or I continue " Jisoo ask.

" Say it say it" Jennie give in.

Jisoo stop at what she was doing and realized how close their face next to each other now.

" You look so beautiful up close" Jisoo said in awe.

" So I look ugly from a far?" Jennie break a romantic moment.

" A little" Jisoo smirk and run away.

" YAH KIM JISOO" Jennie yelled.



Finally the winter break come and Jisoo has invited all her close friends to go to her vacant house to enjoy it. Meanwhile Jennie had convinced Irene that seulgi will not be there due to some issues. Irene did not buy it at first but when Jennie keep whining about how stressful her life is and she needed to loosen up and hoping to have the older girl by her side, Irene agreed to go.

Jisoo woke up to the sound of her alarm.

"Ugh" She groaned.

She got out of bed and did her bussiness and got a shower. Jisoo wore a wine colored crop top with the number "3" on bold white letters, with a light washed high waisted shorts, high white Converse and a cream cardigan.

She got her backpack and her phone. Jisoo went downstairs and her mom was cooking some pancakes.

"Good morning mom" jisoo said while kissing her cheek and sitting on a stool.

"Good morning sweetie" She replied.

"Where's your Lisa and chaeyoung?"

"Probably upstairs sleeping their lazy ass." Jisoo answer.

Lisa and Chaeyoung decide to sleep over at Jisoo house, it's easier since they don't want to waste their sleeping time wake up early.

"Hey! No I'm not. See? I'm right here." Lisa says while stepping on the last step with chaeyoung follow behind and winking at Jisoo.

Jisoo roll her eyes at her friends.

"C'mon kids, eats your food so you can go early." Mrs. Kim says while handing them their plates.

"Yay. " Jisoo say sarcastically.

Jisoo already finish her breakfast but the Maknae line still digging into poor pancake. Jisoo went to put all the bags inside the truck and come back. She was about to call and ask if Jennie is ready but her phone rang. Her smile widen when she saw who's calling.

"Baby! I missed you so much!" She says while kissing her phone.

"Ew.. Baby I missed you so much." Lisa said lowly mimicking her.

Jisoo give Lisa a death glare and chaeyoung quickly turn Lisa head away and shove all the food inside her mouth.

" Are you ready now?"

" Yeah I will be there soon. Just waiting for those two creatures "

Jisoo heart melts when she heard Jennie giggles.

" I will see you soon. bye babe"

Jisoo hung up and went to the kitchen.

"C'mon Lisa, you need to hurry the fuck up or we're going to be late" Jisoo yells through the door. 

"I'm coming you dumb shit!" Lisa yell back.

And yes, jisoo's mom let them cuss each other because they were all the time fighting and cussing at each other so she got tired of trying to change their way to talk to each other.

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