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"WOOYOUNG!"San shout.

Wooyoung was too stunned to move.
"Wooyoung!"Hongjoong running to him.

He pull Wooyoung out of the sight. The car didn't even stop to see whether they're okay or not.

Wooyoung get up to just see Hongjoong bleeding.

"Hongjoong?! Hongjoong! No."Wooyoung look at his hand covered with Hongjoong's blood.

"Wooyoung are you okay?"San ask.

"H-hongjoong."Wooyoung couldn't say a word.

"Let's bring him to the hospital."Seonghwa say.

Wooyoung carry Hongjoong into Seonghwa's car and follow them to the hospital.
time skip//
He push his break when he almost to hit another car. But he lost control due to his high speed. He hit another car.

He can't see clear. But he sure, everyone looking at him. He could hear ambulance. But why does he feel relieved?
"Wooyoung."Yunho sit beside him.

"Is that my fall?"Wooyoung ask.

"No. That's not your fault. It's my fault. If I'm the one who pull you, Hongjoong hyung, surely safe and sound."Yunho say.

"I thought he didn't love me anymore. But, he cost his life for me."Wooyoung crying.

Seonghwa looking at them from afar.

"I'm sorry, Wooyoung ah. For telling you too late. I'm selfish to get Hongjoong."Seonghwa whispered to himself.

Mingi come with Jongho.

"Yeosang have some work to do. He didn't have time."Mingi say.

"It's okay."Wooyoung say.

"Papa? Are you crying?"Jongho look at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung put him on his lap.

"Jongho ssi... You know that, I really love you right? So please. If anything happened, you must be strong."Wooyoung say.

"Wooyoung ah. Don't ever think to do anything."Yunho warn him.

Seonghwa come to them slowly.

"Hyung... How's Hongjoong hyung?"Mingi ask.

"Doctor say, he will be fine. We just need to hope, he wake up."Seonghwa say.

"Can we visit him?"Wooyoung ask.

"Not for today. You can comeback day after tomorrow."Seonghwa say.

Wooyoung kneel down to Jongho.

"Do- Do you want to hug Seonghwa hyung?"Wooyoung ask.

Jongho nodded.


Jongho run to Seonghwa and hug him. Seonghwa couldn't hold his tears. He hug Jongho tightly.
time skip//
Wooyoung look at Hongjoong from the glass window.

"I'm sorry. For leaving you alone. Please survive. I need you. Jongho need you. I want you to hear him call you dad. Aren't you say, you want a son like Jongho? Please."Wooyoung couldn't stop crying.

"I know you're strong. Hongjoong too. He surely will survive. Let's just pray for him."Yeosang say.

"I still think it's my fault."Wooyoung say under his breath.

"Me too. I just still your accident, is because of me. But, as times flies, you'll start accept the fate."Yep say

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