The 2persons who flied or try to escape the prison were non other than Myunjin and Yuri.

This was the plan of Myunjin this time to escape.

They were currently running to get to the nearby huge wall which will help the cross the border.

Both were runing at a high speed.

They need to slide the wall which opems to a secret space and jump off it straight in the river that was near the jail.

"Run you girl of you want to escape." Yelled Myunjin.

Helicopters were flying above their head in search for them.

" Run Myunjin." Yelled Yuri.


this was yelled by the guards who spotted them from above the helicopter.

Still they tried to run.

The guards were running behind them too.

They reached the wall.

Myunjin immediately searched for the one block that should be painted slightly with red colour.

If was the information he received from one of his cell mate.

"Where is the block shit where is it??" Mumbled Myunjin.

"Myunjin fast they will be reaching us." Said Yuri terrified.

The helicopter above them lost the tract of them as Myunjin and Yuri parted their ways but then ended up together.

Yuri too started to find the block on her right side while Myunjin searched it on left.

Yuri looked behind her to find the the guards were now running in their direction.

Myunjin before stole the gun from the watch keeper of the cell.

He pointed it to the guards And yelled,

"Keep on searching the block. He said it was here."

Yuri was not sweating very badly, tension being seen on her face.

" Yuri you have to do this. Master maybe waiting for you." Mumbled and encourage Yuri to herself.

The guards started firing at Yuri so Myunjin covered her and started back firing.

The both hide behind a big rock.

The firing got intense.

"PUT YOUR GUN DOWN AND SURRENDER." yelled the prison head from the speaker.


Yuri's eyes caught the site of the red brick Blovk at the very corner.

" Found it." Said Yuri.

A loud sound was heard Myunjin shoot a guard in his stomach as he was approaching them while they in his defence the guard shoot Myunjin directly near his chest.

Yuri yelled loudly,


Silence complete silence.

Myunjin died on the spot.

The guards came infront pushed her down on the ground clasped her hands behind her back, whole a tears started gathering around her eyes.

The one you helped her, the one who stayed with her, the one who tried to make her master be with her was dead now.

" Nooo leave me Muunjin Noooo" yelled Yuri crying.

Stuck With You!! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now