The hidden implication was that she didn't expect him to stay long. Louis didn't seem to catch that as he smiled politely at her. She explained the specifics of his job as the last part of the "tour". It was only thirty minutes until nine.


His mind flashed to the phone call when Harry demanded his coffee. Once Perrie left, wishing him good luck, he walked back to that hidden room. Black coffee, he repeated to himself. Black coffee.

When he walked into the room, a Man was inside. Louis mouth dropped at the sight of him. If he was gay, he thought to himself. He promptly closed his mouth and entered the room. He had dark Blonde, curly hair that reached his mid neck. He face was little bit chubby at last he got dimples. He wore an skinny jeans and a white button up tucked under.

"Hello," Louis said politely. He glanced back and smiled back. "I'm Louis."

"Ashton," he introduced, holding out his hand. Louis shook it graciously and made his way to the coffee maker.

He blinked at it. This was way too high tech to just make coffee. How was he supposed to work this thing? he can burn water with this thing maybe he could make the whole office explodes. Ashton must have noticed and giggled. Louis blushed in embarrassment.

"It's hard to figure out." he reassured.

"It is," Louis grumbled.

He stepped out of the way as Ashton showed him how to work it. Turns out it was extremely simple. One just had to press all the right buttons.

"So who are you making the coffee for?" Ashton blue eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Harry Styles," Louis answered.

The twinkle instantly disappeared, replaced by a look of utter horror. "I'm his new secretary."

"Oh," Ashton sounded surprised and even disappointed.

"I thought he would hire another girl. You know? Like a blonde bimbo or something. Those seem to be his favorite." Louis laughed, unable to stop his mind from wandering to Perrie.

She was blonde but certainly not a bimbo. "No, he hired me."

"I'm sorry," Ashton whispered. "Mr. Styles can be a bit... scary."

"I guess," Louis shrugged, having still never met the man before.

A beep went off that signaled the coffee was done. Louis quickly poured it into a white mug. Just before he made his way out Ashton grabbed his arm.

"If you need any help, just go to me or, Perrie" Ashton smiled.

"Perrie is the-"

"I've met her," Louis affirmed. He smiled. "Thank you, Ashton."


More pitiful stares were thrown his way as he walked towards Harry office. He stood outside the door, gulping. He hoped he made a good first impression on his new boss.

He knocked lightly and heard a gruff "come in" from the other side. Louis opened the door, relieved to see it was exactly nine. He sauntered in, trying to appear more confident than he felt.

Harry was standing at the window, his back facing him. Louis placed the coffee on his desk and patiently waited. The man turned around and once again Louis had to hold back a gasp.

This man had stunning green eyes and Curly dark brown hair. His body was surprisingly built and a lot tattoo that he can see. Louis mouth nearly watered at the sight. No wonder all those girls were dressed so out there in the interviews. This man was gorgeous.

The Evil Boss- L.SWhere stories live. Discover now