Chapter 21 - True Love, True Hate

Start from the beginning

I'm so sorry for being useless to you, Naga...I'm just a mole rat...I-I'm sorry for not being able to do anything to help you and just...being stupid...

I-I'm...I'm sorry that I-I'm such...such a useless friend..."

The room suddenly went silent. Nagakami was able to hear the soft crying of her friend. Her chest began hurting while she listened to it.

"I-I..." Tsubu tried to wipe away all her tears. "I-I'm...s-so sorry-"

Nagakami suddenly lunged forward and trapped her in a hug. "Tsurei, stop it! Just stop it!"


"What are you apologizing for? You did what you could in that battle! You at least tried! That's what matters!"


"You're not stupid at all! You're one of the smartest people I know! Your grades are awesome, too, and so is your homework!"

She could barely get a chuckle at the last part. "N-Naga..."

"You're not useless, either! You're the opposite of useless! You're not a mole rat and you're not stupid! Whoever told you those things, I'll kill them I swear!"


She pulled away so they could look each other in the eyes. "You want to know something? Before you...before all of this...

I wanted the world to end.

I hated everyone. I hated everything. I wanted my parents to die, I wanted the people writing those articles to die, those boys who bullied you, I wanted them to kill themselves. I don't know why.

I wanted everyone dead. I wanted the world to finally end just so I didn't have to deal with life and everyone in it... made life worth living. You made me want to continue on.

Now...if the world were to ever end...

I want to spend every second with you."

Her eyes widened slowly at what she said. "You...N-Naga..."

"So no matter what people matter what happens to us..." The warmth in her eyes made Tsubu feel strange. "I'll always love you! I'll never stop loving you."

The tears suddenly stopped. She could finally breathe calmly. Her cheeks flushed red and she could finally let a smile take place on her face.

"T-Thank..." Tsubu swallowed hard and pushed out her words. "Thank you, Naga."

"No problem at all." Nagakami returned a smile but lost it looking at her fingers, seeing them casted. "YOUR FINGERS!"

"It was Karada..."

"Then he'll die for it! An extra slot in the class will open up!"

"...Naga, is it alright i-if I'm not friends with...with Karada?"

"It's fine! That's perfect!" She put her hands on her friend's cheeks and pulled them. "I don't care about Karada at all. Screw that guy."

She giggled but something came to mind that stopped it. "T-The next should go back up."

Letting go of her cheeks, she shook her head. "Nah, I'll stay here with you. Besides, Yoyume will win anyway."

Tsubu stared at her friend while her hair was being played with. Nagakami's eyes were different from everyone else's. Her eyes were much more pretty and it's like she's seen them somewhere.

'I thought I'd always be alone...' Tsubu closed her eyes and tilted her head down. 'I thought nobody would love me but...

Here Nagakami is...loving me with everything.

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