Chapter Twenty Six: The Devil in the Ocean

Start from the beginning

Her vision began to blur and a ringing assaulting her ears almost made her beg for unconsciousness...

A groan emitted from her mouth as her body slumped backward as her legs wobbled in the effort to support her weight...

She never hit the floor as a pair of vice-like arms wrapped around her waist and a solid chest caught her upper body... She recognized the nauseating cologne that belonged to the man holding her...

His warm breath in her ear that accompanied the ringing pitch...

"Just relax my little Schatzi. I thought you needed a little something with your wine to help you wind down." Erik crooned in her ear as though he were explaining a surprise of romantic intent when really it was a scenario of rohypnol induced fear.

"Let...let me go..." Just those three words Emmy could barely speak as her speech slurred, her tongue completely stuck inside her mouth. Screaming for help was impossible with her voice barely able to muster a sound.

Emmy's vision continued to blur, but amidst the uneven shapes and colors, she could decipher Erik's large, domineering form as she turned her head to meet his gaze even though her ability to speak was handicapped...

"I just wanted to properly bid you goodbye before your trip, my little darling." Erik bent down and lifted up the incapacitated woman into his arms as though she were nothing but a dried leaf, a rag doll with no agency. "Still, you oughta be careful with where you hide your spare key to your apartment, my dear Emmanuelle."

Emmy found herself only able to make a whimpering sound as her head hanged limp, lolling over Erik's arm, her neck hurting in the position in which she was laying in the grasp of a predator successfully capturing his prey twice in one evening.

The drugged fog clouded her senses as she looked up at the hazy sight of the wretched man holding her, taking his sweet time as he carried her through her small living den. One of her arms hung lifeless in the air, dangling in the manner of a deceased animal and her other arm rested on her stomach in a similar way as though she were snuggled in bed. She could feel Erik's silently gleeful gaze looking down at her in the most vulnerable position he had seen her.

Emmy could imagine how they both appeared, the demonstration of an iconic image of a beautiful unprotected maiden being absconded with by a dastardly villain with the vilest implications meant for her...

"The drug I laced your wine with is only meant to make you completely still, little Emmy. You'll be weak as a kitten for quite awhile... and I intend to be here when you finally close those beautiful eyes of yours. Having you in my arms this way... I've never felt so fulfilled, my precious jewel." A note of malicious excitement entered his voice as Erik slightly turned his body as he carried a helpless Emmy through the threshold of her bedroom door.

He stood before Emmy's neatly made bed, nary a wrinkle seen in the blue covers or white pillows. His neat little goddess of cleanliness, she would do a flawless job keeping THEIR home in prim and proper order... Erik turned his attention to the woman fighting to stay half-conscious, her green eyes glazed with the delirium of sedation. He held her up closer against his chest, her slight weight barely causing much effort for his body as his arm cradled her small back. He watched her fragile throat constrict with a gulp of fright as her eyes blinked open and closed. A growl of territorial instinct rumbled within his blackened soul as he bent his head down, the tip of his nose skimming the center of Emmy's neck and his lips pressed a bruising kiss to the center of such a tempting appendage underneath her chin...

And there was enough to say about her supple breasts concealed from him with her tight t-shirt... How heavenly she would look in lingerie or even in nothing at all... His fingers ached to disrobe her, to view her in her most natural state while remaining unconscious in her bed, to anoint her with expensive lotions and oils.

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