When a man is kind

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It's been an hour since the bus has arrived and it was starting to get very cold. The man looks down at you and says " It's getting kinda late do you want to head to my house, I'm assuming you don't have anywhere to go." You were taken aback by his boldness to just assume you were living on the street (which you were, but that was beside the point.) You tell him in a very cocky manner " what makes you think I don't have a house". The man then says with a little giggle "well by the way you have so many bags and are just waiting at a bus stop for no real reason you don't have a place to go am I right." You let out a big sigh and just slowly nod in agreement. " alright then lets head to my house" he says in a way which makes it seem like he is in a hurry. You pause for a moment and say " what should make me think I can trust you?" "Well do you really want to stay in the cold?" That got you into think snout how awful it would be to sleep on the wet ground. In that moment you walk with him to his house which was rather close to your old one which made you a little scared. The man could tell and held you hand and told you we were almost there. 

Once you enter the house you plop and the couch and almost immediately fall asleep. When you wake up the next Moring you find yourself alone in the house, but that doesn't leave you with time when you realize that you only have 30min till work starts you get ready and run out the door. When you make it to work you see that you were 10 min late which upset you quite a bit since you had the best time score compared to your other coworkers. When you walk through the door you see a crowd starting to form and you walk up too see what was going on. That is when you see.......

Icecream man x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now