Love at first sight

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TW: Abusive Relationship 

You just got off the longest shift of your life and can't seem to see the reason why you even work there. You are on the bus almost dozing off while scrolling through your phone. While scrolling you see some mascots for other fast food places like the one you work at. You always thought that mascots were fun and cute and whished that your establishment had one too. You look up to see that it's almost your stop wondering if maybe work was better than the time at home. You get off the bus at Olive Wood St. just like you did almost everyday. You walk past the 2 white house then the 3 brick one to then meet your gray dull house. You look over the bushes too see if he is home. When you look you see a small white car which would be his. 

You open the door already knowing what you need to do. As you clean and cook you wonder what brought you in this situation where you are with a man you do not love. He walks into the kitchen to give you a hug and you allow him to do so (even though you don't have much of a chose. He always expected you to want what he wants and do what he says. When he is kind to you the thoughts of being mad at him go away and you even wonder why you thought those things. "What are you making for dinner" he asks. "oh just your the usual" you say with a slight smile on your face. He gives you a kiss and says "I have to go work just called leave some food in the fridge for me." "why are you going so soon? Didn't you have work yesterday? I thought you have today off?" "Well I don't anymore so just stop asking questions and let me go" he said quite annoyed. "I'm sorry" you say the bad thoughts of him now racing back into your mind. He leaves as quick as he came and shut the door with an aggression you are to familiar.

 You never knew if it was the cleaning, the boiling water making that awful sound against the hot stove, or maybe just your true self speaking to you, but in that moment you decided you can't live this life anymore. You in that moment pack your things not having time to think or do much else. With you brain being so fuzzy, you couldn't even think of a plan, to write a note, and where to go you just knew you needed to get out of there. As you walking you see a man about 6"4 ,long black hair in the style of a shaggy mullet, dark eyes so dark you can't quite tell the color of them. You look at him for a good second before realizing that he probly would get freaked out by you staring so much. 

As you turn the coner you realize that he is going this way too. You both stop at the bus stop not really paying mind to one another until he says "this bus always takes forever" You look up at him and realize that it is starting to rain before you even reply you take out your umbrella and ask if he would like to use it. "yes and thank you very much." You finally reply to his comment and say " I agree too this bus always takes way too long." You sit in silence for a minute, but for some reason it wasn't too awkward. After a minute he says " hey do you live around here for some reason I haven't ever met you?" You sit for a minute thinking about what you should tell him  and how much you should say. You finally reply and say " well I used to live here, but I won't be coming back for a long time." you sat in siclent wondering if maybe you said too much, but then you hear this "well i was wondering what all the bags were for." You chuckle a little at the response and realize that you are getting quite wet and cold from the rain. The man realized this too and asked if you would like to share the umbrella. You shake you head with a lot of emotion and scoot closer to him. Now that you are closer you can see the highte difference is quite big and wonder what it is like to be so tall.

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