Chapter 49 - Love You

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--Andy's POV--

It was pointless even listening, I knew what was going to be said. 'Unfortunately, the man we tested was not the father.' I sighed and but my lip, excusing myself from the area.

"Yes?" I asked.
"She's three weeks pregnant; the pregnancy itself is still unstable because it's so early, but we were able to find that the father was indeed the man that we tested."



I smiled like a fucking idiot. This was...This was...

I made a sort of chuckle to myself as my brain processed the information. This meant it wasn't Vic's. But that was impossible! I had used a condom, and I've never had a condom break in my long, long experience with sex.

"Hello? Sir?" The woman asked.

"Hm? Oh, I'm here."

"When is the soonest you can schedule an appointment?"

"I-I'm not at my calendar right now, do you think it's possible for me to call you back?"

"Of course. You can call back at 818-555-780." She said.

"Thank you. Bye."


My feet felt as light as air, like I was walking on nothing. My face was red, I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks in happiness. I hurried back to the small table where the others were seated, unable to stop smiling. "We need to get back. I have an update on Tessa." They all studied my smiling face for a moment before nodding, each of them wearing a faint smirk. They seemed to know what was running through my mind.

She may be pregnant, and it may be a huge adjustment in both mine and her life, but it's the start of our life together and it's the product of us. The product of her getting over her fears. I must have sped home, the whole time unable to stop smiling. It was just perfect. Everything was falling into place.

--Tessa's POV--

I was in the middle of a cry session. I decided, since I hated sitting here in my own misery and self pity, I would let myself cry once an hour. This was that time, and I couldn't stop. The tears kept flowing, and I sometimes let out a little cry. Everything was going horrible. I've got Vic's child, I'll never get a job, I'm going to be poor forever. I pinched my arm as punishment for thinking so negatively, but it was the truth. Suddenly, I heard the car door shut from outside. I gasped and grabbed my tissues, hurriedly wiping my face in an attempt to hide my tears. I didn't want the boys to see me so hysterical. I pretended to be reading the book I'd finished hours earlier, turning to a random page. The door opened and tears rushed to my eyes. It took every parcel of me to keep the tears inside. "Tessa! We're home!" Andy's voice called. It was high pitched and forced, as if there was a frog in his throat.

"Hey hun." He said, flopping next to me on the couch.

"Hey." I said, my voice cracking.

"So...I have news."


"I got...a call. From the hospital. They processed your case and..." He looked at me the most peculiar way, his eyes shining. I sat up a little, my head resting on my hand.

"You are pregnant, but..."
More tears rushed to my face at the way this sounded. I'm pregnant. I tried to focus on what he was saying, but tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Hey hey hey!" He cooed, a chuckle under his breath. He wiped away my tears.

"Don't cry...Just listen..." He continued to watch me, the same shone in his eyes.

"Tess, the baby isn't Vic's." He said. I looked over at him. What? But that's impossible? Andy used a condom, and we'd had sex over a month ago. "It's not?" I sniffled. He shook his head. "No." He laughed to himself. "It's not." I continued to look down at my lap, a line of tears on my jawline. "Why are you still crying?" He asked sweetly. I sniffled and looked over at him, confused. Suddenly, he took my hands in his.

"Tess, this is a new chapter in our life together...If we are going to do this, if we are really going to be together, this is just our first step. Yeah, so maybe it's not the ideal first step, but it's us. It's 100 percent you and me, and it's about you getting over everything and me learning to...well, me learning to control myself a little. It's going to be an adjustment. A big one. But we're ready, and I'm going to be there for you. We'll get through this, and you'll see this isn't so bad after all. You and I will finally be able to go public; the tour is almost over."

He began to rub my hand a little with his thumb.

"This is the start of our life, Tessa."

I looked over at him, his dorky smile and his bright blue eyes. I just felt such...emotion. Towards him. Love, you could say, but there's no way to describe what you feel for someone when this happens. It's beyond any alphabet. I laid my head on him, listening to his heartbeat. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He smiled.

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