Chapter 3

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After the semester ended, Jacob decided to go back home to his family for the holidays. He was eager to see everyone again and even more so to show off his weight gain progress. I however decided to not go home. I know my Dad would be proud of me for eating well during my time here, but my mother would kill me or worse, make me lose all my hard earned rolls. So I decided to be a part of the FOLA holiday program. I haven't heard much about it, mainly because the upperclassmen who have previously participated in it had little to say between their size and their near consistent intake of food.

A day after the semester ended, I was told to leave my room and not take anything with me. Apparently I would be provided everything I needed where I was going. The holiday program takes place at a special FOL facility that does seasonal work depending on the various holidays of the year. During Halloween for example, participants there would do work and gain weight involving experimental candy. During valentine's day, a similar approach except specifically with chocolate. However, during the winter, summer, and spring breaks, the FOL company allows the students of their academy to become active participants in their experiments, while still being allowed the benefits that we had in our dorms, except now we didn't have any classes to attend, so we could focus instead on putting on some winter weight.

As I left my room, I saw various students waddle out of their rooms too. Most of the students I lived near were in my grade, so they were more or less my own size. However, my belly seemed to be the biggest as far as I could tell. Probably from all those extra fattening sessions and unlimited gainer shake access. We waddled down the hallway and made our way outside to the air field of the campus. Apparently they installed it in case students became so fat that no vehicle could hold them. Once outside, we saw a couple of gigantic Russian cargo planes. We were told that due to our combined weights and the amount of students participating this year, they had to get the largest planes currently available to keep us in the air for the trip to the facility. My heart raced at the idea of being so fat that they needed a cargo plane just to haul me around. They opened the planes and we waddled on board. Once we got on, I realized that there were no actual seats, just certain areas of the plane assigned to each student. I found mine and sat there for awhile until a staff member showed up and used a series of belts and straps to secure my wobbly body, like a large package of fat.

Once all the students were on the plane, it started to move across the air field and soon we were flying. The movement of the plane made my belly jiggle. Within minutes of being airborne, I started to feel hungry, despite having a binge session consisting of butter coated pancakes, a dozen donuts, and some feeding shake when I woke up earlier this morning. I heard the other stomachs of the students on board as they all grumbled in hunger. Almost immediately after, an all too familiar tube lowered down to each of us and the set of controls was raised up to each of us. But this time, I saw that there was a new button on it with a candy cane symbol on it that read "Holiday Cheer Flavor". I opened my maw and inserted the tube. Then I pressed the candy cane button before turning it on. Soon the feeding tube filled with delicious fattening shake and flowed into my mouth. As it began to flow down my fat throat I noticed that it tasted different, it tasted like peppermint frosting. I heard other students moaning in delight of the new flavor. I kept the shake flowing down my throat for an hour before I turned it off and pulled the tube out. I burped and the smell of peppermint wafted out of my mouth.

After some more time had passed, the plane finally landed in another special airfield. Next to it was a large series of buildings. All of them were labeled with the Forced Obesity Lifestyle Logo. Once the plane opened and we all waddled out, we noticed upon closer inspection that the buildings were covered with decorations for the holidays. There weren't normal decorations however. All of the decorations had something to do with fat or weight gain! For example, instead of seeing Santa sitting in his sleigh, you would see an inflatable Santa with a massive belly, stuffing himself with cookies. The cool part is that the inflatable Santa ran on a timer, and over time the belly section would fill up with more and more air to imply the weight gain. I wonder how long it goes for?

After we finished gawking at the holiday decorations, we were put on another bus to drive us over to the decorated FOL buildings. Even though it's not a lot of distance from the plane to the buildings, walking across an airfield would take forever and burn too many calories. We're talking four calories here! Once I got on the bus and sat down, I immediately set up the onboard feeding tube and turned it on with the Holiday Cheer flavor. Even though we weren't gonna be on there for very long, I wanted to take every opportunity I could to fill myself up as much and as often as possible. Some students we're inspired by my gusto and started their respective feeding tubes as well. Others just looked with envious faces and full bellies, in awe that I was so willing and able to take in so much.

After a minute or two, the bus brought us inside one of the buildings. Once we got out, we noticed that we were inside what looked like a large but empty air hanger. In the middle of this room was a large freight elevator. We all waddled onto it with our supervisors, and somehow we all managed to fit, but barely once the guard rails went up. But I didn't mind. I got to feel my fat rolls press and jiggle against other's. The freight elevator started to lower. I was a little surprised by this. I thought we were gonna spend our time inside the buildings we saw outside, but it looks like we're going underground instead! As we went further underground, the walls started to change. At first they were made of stone, but as went further down the walls were covered in white steel plates with blue and white lights in between each plate.

Once the elevator finally stopped, we all got off and found ourselves in a large room covered from top to bottom with the same white tiles and lights. There were large couches all set up in rows and an announcement booth on the other end of the room. We were told to take a seat on any couch we wanted while we waited for further instruction. So I waddled over to a large grey couch and plopped myself down. My belly hung over the end slightly. My ass almost took up two cushions.

After we minute or two, a man wearing a while lab coat walked onto the announcement booth. He seemed almost familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. He tapped the mike on the booth and began to speak. "Welcome students, one and all! I am Luxu, Chief scientist of the FOL holiday branch. And you are here for one reason. And that reason of course is to gain weight for the holidays! This facility is responsible for experimenting for the most effective ways to gain weight for the holidays. I refer not to merely just the winter holidays. Depending on the time of year, we here do work for all holidays. Everything from Valentines day to Halloween, Pi day, Pie day, and everything in between. But you're here for the holidays, and as such your experience here will revolve around the holidays. During your time here, you will be asked to perform certain tasks for our experiments and research. But don't think of it as being lab rats. Think of it as a opportunity to expand your gluttonous palettes, among other things that will expand. You are here to ensure that future holidays will instigate optimal weight gain for humanity. But know this, the weight that you will gain this month is far greater than anything you have gained so far in your school. The school is held to certain standards and limitations, which do not exist here. Before the end of the month, I guarantee you all that you will be absolutely massive and likely immobile. But I know that won't stop you from enjoying yourselves!" We all cheered and our bellies rumbled.

Luxu continued. "Before we get to work, we need to go over the details your living quarters." He pulled up a powerpoint on the screen above him with pictures of our rooms. "Each one of you will have your own room and all of your work will be done in your respective rooms. The rooms you will be living in will be larger than the space of your dorms that you are used to, despite not having roommates this time. Each living space has a living room with a large couch, with feeding tube controls built in. It has a large smart tv. It also comes with a pantry and a full sized fridge, which will be refilled every hour should anything be taken out of it. Next to the living room is your dining room and kitchen. Like the living room, it has a pantry and full sized fridge which will be refilled hourly. Next to them is a large dining table. This is where some of your work will be done, but more on that later. You all have a large bedroom with a double king sized bed. Some of you might think that this size is too large for some of you, but it is to ensure with certainty that everyone has enough space to sleep. The bed is also equipped with feeding tube controls. Additionally, directly above the bed is another television built into the ceiling, with all the TV and video game consoles available. It is built into the ceiling so that you all don't have to sit up to watch TV. And finally the bathroom. We tried to make the doorframe for it wide enough for all of you, however if you find yourself stuck trying to get in or out of your bathroom, there is a button on each side of the door which you can press. Doing so will call our emergency situation team to come in and get you out. And that does it for the explanations. You will now be taken to your rooms via the couches you have all sat on."-Luxu said.

As he said, the couch that I sat on sprung into action and began to wheel itself over to my room. As I left the large auditorium, I smirked to myself and imagined how much weight I would put on. Once I got to my room, the couch opened the door for me and wheeled me in, it then stopped right in the middle of the living room. The room was exactly like Luxu had said. I noticed that on the TV screen in front of me, there was a sheet of paper taped to it. I got up and moved over to the screen to read what it said. The letter was another welcome letter reminding me of all the details of the room. But then toward the bottom of the letter it had specific instructions. It read. "Today is one of two days off you get from your work with us. Tomorrow you will be required to perform certain daily tasks. Please note that while the daily tasks will be mostly the same, the rigor of these tasks will increase over time. To ensure that you do not fall behind, please take extra measures to ensure that you expand your stomach capacity as much as possible. Your daily tasks are as follows:

Eat at least three large holiday meals per day. The portion sizes will gradually increase over time.
Consume at least one pantry's worth of food per day.
Taste test our experimental food every day while providing feedback for improvement. Note that when you provide feedback, you will then be given another portion of the same food with your desired improvements
Spend at bare minimum two hours per day not moving a muscle. If you choose to do this on the couch or in bed, the only muscles you may use are your hand muscles for the various remotes. Sleeping overnight does not count for this time. You are free to use the feeding tube while you do not move.
On certain days we will ask for a specific task to be done. You are not required to perform any of the previously mentioned tasks during these special days. However we will not stop you either."

After reading that letter, I was more excited than ever to get started. But I had to wait until tomorrow to do any of the daily tasks. But that didn't stop me from following their advice about my stomach. So I got up and went over to the living room pantry. I opened it up to find all manner of FOL brand holiday sweets, pastries, and various other junk foods and sodas inside. These came right from the source of obesity, so I grabbed as much as my flabby arms could hold. I grabbed I box of frosted cookies, a tall bag of buttered popcorn, and a large jar of candy and then tossed them over to the couch. Then I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a tub of ice cream, a tub of cookie dough, and a jar of Nutella. I brought it all back to the couch, sat down, turned on the TV and opened all the boxes and wrappers and dug in. I ate in no particular order or with any utensils. I mainly focused on the ice cream at first, grabbing handfuls and shoving them into my mouth before it melted. Then I would grab a fistful of sweets in one hand and a fistful of popcorn in my other hand and shoved both in my maw at once. I merely emptied the vats of cookie dough and Nutella into my mouth by lifting each one and letting it all fall in. All the food was packed with a ton of flavor, better than any junk food I had before. Eventually I finished my pile of food, leaving nothing but food stains on my clothes. But it was so good that I had to get more. I had to stretch my stomach as much as possible anyway. Before my binge was over, I visited the pantry and fridge twice more. Despite how full I was afterwards, I only made a dent in the pantry and fridge by the time they were refilled.

I noticed that it was getting late, so I got off of the couch and waddled over to the bedroom. The bed was the size of two kings mattresses as said in the presentation. It had no frame, so essentially it was just a big fat mattress sitting in the middle of the room, which was good when you got a big fat kids about to sleep and feed while laying his fat body on it. When I walked in I saw a monitor that read 367. I had gained 10 pounds in one day! That food I ate today was a lot more fattening that I first thought. I realized that I was gonna put on a lot of winter weight this month. And that was exactly what I wanted! I lied down in my bed and set up the feeding tube on a timer so it would feed me all night. I turned on the tube on high and immediately fell asleep while the delicious weight gain shake flowed down my throat.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of what I thought was grilled cheese and frosting. I rolled my massive body out of bed and made my way over to the dining table. There I saw a massive meal prepared for me. It consisted of plates stacked high with ultimate grilled cheese sandwiches, and other plates piled high with cinnamon rolls. I guessed that this was the first holiday feast of the season. I wasted no time. I sat down and started shoving grilled cheese sandwiches into my mouth. The taste of all the cheeses exploded in my mouth. Each and every cheese in each sandwich was packed with flavor. I needed more, so I started forcing them in faster. Every plate was piled high, so even though it took me awhile I didn't really feel full, so I dived into the cinnamon rolls. They weren't very big, but that only made it easier for me to stuff more of them into my maw at a time. Two or three at once depending on how many there were left on each plate.

I finished the plates and patted my belly. Despite how much I ate, I didn't feel full. I got up and waddled over to the pantry, as per the instructions, and opened the pantry. Inside there were all manner of FOL junk food products. I grabbed a couple boxes of cookies, a large bag of popcorn, and some bags of chips. The pantry wasn't anywhere close to being empty, but I had all day to stuff myself. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I placed the snacks on my belly and started to let food fall into my maw. I sat there mindlessly eating and watching TV. When I ran out of snacks, I heaved myself up to get more from the pantry. It was a pain to move around for food, but it was worth it!

After a couple of hours of binging, a staff member came in. "Excuse me, pardon the interruption, but I'm here to deliver the experimental food. Please eat it at your earliest convenience." He dropped off a large vat of some kind with an electronic screen on the side and placed it on the kitchen table and then left the room. I got up and moved over to the table. I read the top of the vat and it read "Ice Cream Type H, Assignment 183, Version 1.0.". I grabbed a spoon from the kitchen drawer and opened the vat. The smell of peppermint wafted upwards. I forced my spoon into the vat and scooped up a spoonful of ice cream. I put the spoon in my mouth and my tastebuds exploded with flavor. It was the most delicious ice cream I ever had! I started to quickly force spoonfuls of ice cream into my maw. After a few minutes I emptied the vat and patted my belly. Suddenly the electronic monitor on the side of the vat turned on. On the screen, it asked me to rate the ice cream on a scale from 1 to 10 and to give any recommendations for improvement. I gave it a 5 but I recommended that the ice cream wasn't so intense on the mint flavor and that it had more butter in it.

I went over to the couch to rest for a bit, but after about 5 minutes another staff member came in the room with another vat. He said "Hello, here is the improved substance. I'll place it next to you this time to prevent inconvenience." He placed the vat on the cushion next to me and walked out of the room. I opened the vat and lifted it over my maw so the ice cream would flow right in. It had the exact improvements I asked for in such a short time! As expected of FOL. The ice cream now mixed with more butter flowed down my throat with more ease. In just a couple of minutes, I completely emptied the second vat of ice cream into by big belly rolls. Once I did, the electronic monitor turned on and I gave a perfect rating with no comments on how to improve it. One reason was because I genuinely couldn't think of any way to improve the formula at the moment. And another reason was that I wanted to give my belly a little break before lunch.

I took the opportunity to work on my immobility training. I sat back on the couch and watched TV. During that time, I made sure to not move an inch. I noticed that a sizable portion of the channels available were food or travel which wetted my appetite over time. When I couldn't contain my hunger anymore, I pressed a button and a feeding tube lowed from the ceiling into my open maw and started pumping more weight gain shake down my throat. I thought that over time I would get used to the taste of the shake, but to my surprise my tongue kept being overwhelmed by the irresistible taste, almost as if it was constantly being improved over time. But I didn't think too much about it and merely sat back in bliss.

A couple hours passed and despite taking in gainer shake practically the whole time, I felt extremely hungry around noon. I heard some clanking in the ceiling of the room and then I heard a weird sound coming from the dining area. I turned around and saw that another feast was descending from the ceiling. It was lunch time! I got up and shifted over to the dining table. They installed a lazy Susan on the table along with the feast so I wouldn't have to reach as far to get to the food. On the table there were two full sized beef wellingtons, two large prime ribs, pork loins, and a giant roasted chicken. The side dishes consisted of various kinds of buttered or cheesy potatoes and for dessert, two red velvet cakes. I sat down and let loose. I grabbed food in no particular order. I ripped off a leg of the roasted chicken and then stuffed a slice of cake in my maw and then dug into one of the bowls of mashed potatoes. The food was all overwhelming in flavor, so I kept eating faster and faster just to satisfy myself and get it all in me. After a few minutes I sat back in my chair feeling very bloated. The outfit they gave me to wear was feeling snug and my belly was definitely lower than it was before. Getting up from the table, I also noticed that I had to push harder to get myself back up. At this rate, I was gonna get massive!

Several hours passed, during which I spent clearing out the rest of the pantry and also had dinner, which was another round of several savory meats, bowls of starchy potatoes and a couple of cinnamon roll pies. I sat on my couch playing video games and letting the food in my belly settle so I could have room for the gaining shake tonight while I sleep. Soon I got tired and I got up and went over to my bedroom and plopped myself on the bed. Above me, there was I screen that displayed my weight. It read 380 pounds. I was shocked but not surprised at this point that I gained 13 pounds in a single day. I covered my rolls in the sheets the best I could and then I engaged the ceiling feeding tube and put it in my mouth. I turned it on at a moderate speed and fell asleep. As I slept, I could have sworn I was hearing someone or something whispering the descriptions of all the foods I could have, this caused my appetite to surge while I slept, causing me to drool in my sleep.

A week passed and my weight spiraled out of control. FOL does not mess around for this program. The food portions of everything I consumed kept getting bigger and bigger and that made my weight seriously skyrocket. Fortunately, they have clothes provided to just about any imaginable size. My thighs had grown thicker and had a top and bottom later of fat. My lower belly love handle was just a couple of inches from the ground when I ever stood up, which was becoming less and less often these days. When I'm sitting on the couch it extends a couple inches outward after reaching the floor. And when I'm in bed, it looks like a hill of fat that blocks my vision. My moobs also grew thicker and more outward. They were about a size 58 E. They were huge and perky, despite their size. I had also developed a third chin to compliment my even thicker double one. I weighed about 512 pounds and kept growing.

As my size changed, so did my approach to eating. The FOL company provided all the students with their personal feeding robot to bring them whatever food was available. Over time, with my increased size and lifestyle, I found myself very lazy and unwilling to get out of bed, so the robot would bring me food for me to eat at regular intervals. Mere minutes after I would wake up, the robot would start placing breakfast foods within arms reach or sometimes on my bare belly if I asked it to. I would mindlessly eat everything it brought to me and would usually then say "MORE!" if I ever found myself without something to eat. It did not ever hesitate to bring more food from the pantry or fridge for me.

During the experimental food portions of the day, the robot would record my feedback from my voice so I didn't have to press any buttons or type anything anymore, which was a huge relief on my fat fingers. I also found that I could abuse their feedback system by simply asking for little improvements to keep getting more and more of whatever substance they gave me. Today was lard day, so the robot brought in a large vat of lard. I asked him to pour it into my open maw. The robot complied and started draining the entire vat of lard into my open my as my fat body wobbled on my bed. It flowed into my mouth and down my throat as easily as water. After he emptied the vat I said "*huff* more.....butter". The robot sent my feedback to the FOL workers and soon another large vat of lard came in. The robot poured the entire vat into my open maw again and my belly pushed out even further. I gave it more feedback and continued this for about an hour before my belly was finally somewhat full and there were large but empty vats of lard all over my room. I almost couldn't believe how much I could take in these days. But I signed up for this and was ready to put on even more winter weight during the next few days!

More than a week passed and the food became more irresistible an fattening due to Hanukkah being part of the process. In observance of the oil that lasted for eight days, we ate nothing but fried food from the 12th of December to the 20th. The the size and portions of all the deep fried food combined with the utter lack of movement from my bed in the past week and a half caused me to blimp out and skyrocket my size to 878 pounds last I checked. My belly now covered my tree trunk legs and thighs, pinning me to the bed. My moobs grew even thicker and now sagged on one of my belly rolls. My arms and hands grew and thicker and were getting harder to move with every passing day. My back fat provided me with another layer of comfort on my new double king sized bed. My face had grown some rolls on my swollen cheeks which covered my 3 massive chins. It was exciting for me because being pinned down to the bed meant I was essentially immobile! I was super excited, but the food was so delicious and fattening that the daily prospect of more and more exited me more.

At this stage we were all provided giant food chutes that shot all of our meals into our mouths. I became so adept at eating that I let food flow into me all day without a thought or care. I was getting so fat that at times I could feel myself expanding as I ate. Soon the big days of the season were coming, and that excited me even more. I wonder what they were going to do?

Just before December 24th arrived, the FOL executives appeared on the monitor of my room and said they needed to make a special announcement. I heaved up from my stuffing so I was at least sitting up and looked up at the announcement monitor. We were informed that every year children who believe in Santa leave out a plate of cookies for him to eat. However, in many cases, parents will just get rid of the cookies. A string of boos washed over the facility of fat students. They must have been booing pretty loud because in all the time I had been here, I never heard any of the other students in their rooms aside from whenever I was playing video games online with some of them. After the booing died down, the FOL executives said that they totally agreed with us. Those are perfectly good cookies, made with butter, frosting, and of course cookie dough. Some families even mix lard into it. Then they said that in order to ensure that the cookies will not be wasted, the FOL company will be shipping all the cookies that are brought out for Santa to our rooms throughout the day, and our job was to consume all the cookies given to us. I was super excited. Partly at the idea of eating cookies from practically every house in the world, and partly at the idea of putting away as much as Santa could if he were real. I stopped believing in him when I was 8 when my mom said that putting out cookies for Santa was a waste of time to my Dad one Christmas eve, thinking that I didn't hear them. But now I know that it's not a waste of time, because now I get to eat those cookies.

Once December 24th rolled around, I opened my eyes and found my entire bedroom filled with pink boxes and gallons of milk. The milk was a special FOL brand that read "full fat" on the label. I suddenly smelled various cookies in the air. I sat up on my bed, using my massive ass as a cushion and told the feeding robot to bring me the cookies and milk. He placed several boxes of cookies and gallons of milk on the rolls that surrounded me. I opened a box and saw various cookies neatly placed inside with a note that read "Be sure to eat it all." My belly growled in anticipation. Then I got to work on the cookies. I shoved them into my maw at a gradual pace, since I had all day to finish. My fat fingers were able to grab about 6 or 7 at a time. There were various flavors that entered my maw as I shoved more cookies in. Some were encased in frosting, some sugar, some snickerdoodle, some triple chocolate chip. Some were kinds that I never heard of nor tasted. Every now and then, I would take a minute to drink a gallon of fat milk to cleanse the palate. All those feeding sessions and holiday stuffings stretched out my stomach and severely increased its capacity, so I knew I could handle more cookies. As I ate more cookies and tossed the boxes off of myself, the robot kept bringing more and more boxes with more cookies. I got super exited and at some point shouted "Best...*scarf*....Christmas Eve....*gulp**gulp**gulp**gulp*....ever! *BORRRP*"

Hours upon hours passed. During that entire time I kept scarfing down more cookies. It was the most effort I put into eating in a while, but I had a feeling that this was going to be it as far as me putting effort into eating anymore, so I enjoyed it. The room was filled with many boxes, both empty and full and I still continued to scarf more down, not even feeling somewhat full. "Gotta have more cookies...." I muttered out loud. "!" I ate through the night until I either finished off the cookies or passed out. I couldn't remember to be honest. I was way too high on sugar and cookie dough to remember how or when I fell asleep. But either way, in that one day of eating likely thousands of cookies from all over the world, I put on an astonishing 250 more pounds in that single day, putting my lake of fat at around 1285 pounds.

After a few more days of eating through Christmas, Boxing Day and having the insane new years feast, it was time for us to go home to our dorms for the new semester. When I woke up the day we left, I was put onto an industrialized cart and slowly wheeled over to the flight hanger. Then they moved me onto another military cargo plane, but this time I was by myself. My weight was too much for the plane to hold any other students, so I got to be as fat as all the cargo, just like I fantasized. Once the plane started, three feeding tubes descended from the ceiling and into my maw, they automatically turned on since I couldn't move my arms. Normally I'm only supposed to have one tube, but since I was the only student on the plane, I got to have all three on full blast for myself. My many rolls wobbled with the feeding tubes and the motion of the plane in the sky until we finally landed back on campus.

I was taken off of the plane and put on another cart. They then moved me back to my dorm room. Once I was placed the room, I noticed that there was a monitor and an automated feeding chute system like the one in the facility. The monitor displayed a message once the workers who moved me in left the room. It read "Thank you for participating in our FOL Holiday program! For being such an active participant in our experimental substances, we have provided to you three food chutes which are connected to the kitchen of the school. We have installed brain wave monitors to detect what food you want in your mind. Just think of whatever food you want and the chutes will dispense it to you threefold within a few seconds. Also, due to your size, you are hereby excused from going to any further classes provided you meet a daily food intake quota set by the school. But we at FOL all know you won't ever fail to meet the quota. Enjoy your Spring Semester!" -Luxu.

Within a few hours, Jacob waddled into my room. "*Huff* Hey Aaron how was the -WOAH!!". Jacob walked in on me as I was having large slabs of meat and pastries flow into my maw from the tubes. I turned it off for a moment to talk to Jacob. "It was *burrp* awesome! I'm SOOOO FAT!" I said. Jacob replied "I'll say, you're a total lake of fat. Can you even move around?. "Nope! Mobility is overrated anyway." I said before three more turkeys flowed into my maw. "Geez, and I thought that I was gonna be bigger than you by the time we came back." Jacob said. Jacob certainly had grown bigger during the winter break from all the daily stuffings he received from his family, especially his gourmet chef of a brother. His thighs grew thicker and his belly descended but was still above the floor. His moobs were now a 85DDD size. He had a very thick second chin and a fatter face. Jacob told me he weighted 538 pounds. However, at 1567 pounds I was totally immobile and growing fatter all the time. My belly stretched in front of me by about a meter and was now one massive blob of fat as opposed to many rolls. My arms were practically useless and my hands were almost too fat for me to even play video games. My moobs were 67SS cup and were massive sacks of fat that layer at my sides. My back fat provided me with a multiplayer recliner of fat for me to rest my head on, which was further supported my the size of my ass.

"Well, if you don't mind Jacob, I have a daily quota to meet!" Then I went back to my feeding chutes and mentally demanded more and more food. I was looking forward to the next semester, and the next and the next and the next. I knew that each one would provide me with a new challenge and bring me into ever more insane levels of obesity and gluttony.

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