Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Aaron and I am eleven years old and going into sixth grade. I am a healthy boy. Standing at five foot three, I am only 120 pounds. Why is this relevant? The society I live in has a rule, when you go into sixth grade you have a choice. You could continue into 6th grade, live a normal boring healthy life of adolescent mediocrity. Or you can go to a special academy that makes you gain weight, and a lot of it. About 75% of the students there have to be taken out by ambulances or delivery trucks because they cannot walk. Their bulk makes it too difficult for them. The other 25% of the students are permanent residents of the academy. One thing that pulled me to joining the FIA was that you will not see your parents for four years. That way they can't tell you to stop gaining or worry about your health. All that freedom would be given to me until my sophomore year of high school. That worked for me. I had a bad relationship with my parents. My mom would intentionally starve me for days at a time so that I would not get fat. Yet, I am still going to the FOLA or Forced Obesity Lifestyle Academy. My father on the other hand would beat me for not eating enough. I think part of it was because he was extremely depressed. His mother, my grandmother, passed away from lack of nutrients. So I am getting away from both of them as soon as possible.

I was accepted to the academy, but the staff of the school informed me I had to gain ten pounds before they could move me in. They had rule that you must be a minimum of 130 pounds at my height. I was scheduled to move into my dorm in 30 days. My father thought that was amazing so he took me to an all you can eat buffet. I was hesitant at first to go out to eat food because of my mom, but I realized then that she was not here. I had two full plates of food, mostly consisting of meats and bread, and three slices of cake. I was so full that I could barely move. I was very tired when I got home from dinner and went to sleep. The next morning my father took me to another all you can eat breakfast buffet. Yet again I had three full plates of filling savory food, with two large glasses of orange juice. I repeated this process with my dad's help everyday. Dinner followed by sleep, breakfast followed by a nap, dinner followed by sleep, breakfast followed by a nap, etc. At the end of the week I stepped on the scale and it read 125 pounds. I was so excited! I was halfway to the required weight. By that point I was able to eat four massive plates of food, and five desserts consisting of cookies or slices of cake. As for breakfast, I was shoving in six large plates of food and four glasses of orange juice.

I was feeling great and looking forward to everyday to get more food. My dad told me if I got to 135 pounds by time I moved in, he would pay for full tuition to the academy. Paying full tuition means that I have unlimited food everyday and as many milkshakes as I wanted. By the end of the next week I was up to 129 pounds. I needed to gain six pounds to get full tuition privileges. So I decided to become immobile for the next six days and eat everything I saw and have my dad feed it to me. I even added a weight gain shake to my diet to get fatter faster. My mom was ok with it only because I was periodically getting out of the house in the process, even if it was just to eat. So I did not move around the house at all for those six days. After which, I stepped out of the recliner I was lying on and lost my balance at first because I had not gotten up in six days. I stepped on the scale and it read 141 pounds. I jumped for joy and called in my dad to see. He said "Congratulations son" and contacted the school. Now when I move in, I can have all you can eat buffets open all day everyday.

The school was in Ohio and I lived in Washington State. So I took a special plane owned by the academy to Ohio. It had an all you can eat buffet cart that the flight attendants would bring you. You just had tell them what you wanted and you got it. I ate so much food on the flight that it was hard to get off the plane once it landed. They had a bus waiting for us that goes directly to the school. On the bus, they gave you a personal waitress to give you what you wanted. I was full from the flight but I could not resist. I was groaning to the sight of all the food I ordered but kept eating. Soon the waitresses brought me, and all the other kids on the bus, a pill that said triple on it, and they explained to us what it did. They said it expands your stomach to hold more food and simply taking one pill will make it stay that way for four months. Afterwards it will start to shrink. So it will be our job to stretch it out with food ourselves by that point. I took the pill and about 10 minutes later my stomach was tingling. It felt like things were moving within me. Slowly I became more and more hungry, so I continued to eat. I ate everything from hot dogs to full pizzas, ice cream, and chocolate bars, everything that I could get my hands on. During the meal I asked for a pepsi and instead she brought me a chocolate concoction that looked very different from what I ordered. I asked her what it was. She told me it was a weight gain shake, and that I should drink it. So I did. Suddenly my eyes popped out of my head with the taste of the chocolate. I drank it so fast, I had two more on the table before I knew it. I drank those as well and kept eating. I had another whole pizza before I was finally full. Over my head a little square door opened and a tube came out of it. They instructed us to put in our mouth and the weight gain shake we just had will come out continuously. It would keep going until we hit the red button to our left. To start it, we had to hit the green button on our left. To speed up the flow, we had to turn the blue knob to our left forward to speed up, and backwards to slow it down. It seemed simple enough.

I drank from the tube for a good three minutes before I had to turn it off. It was weird to have something like that in your throat. Then I got over it and put it back in for the next twenty minutes and turned up the flow. Eventually I got tired and took a nap. By the time I took a nap my shirt was already bulging. You could see the shape of my bulging stomach, and my jeans were extremely tight. I heard a loud pop. It was the button on my jeans. It flew off and hit some guy in the eye across from me. He did not seem to mind. He did the same thing with the button on his jeans but it did not hit me. My shirt stretched out to the shape of my new belly, a large round circle. My moobs were coming in and they were tight in my messy shirt covered in food stains and gaining shake. I felt my thighs growing, stretching the jeans to get out. And sure enough the ripped right down the inseam. I went to use the restroom. Inside it, they had closets with clothing with my name on them. They were a size bigger than what I normally wore. I think they did that on purpose because they knew I would gain weight and rip my clothes. They really thought this through. I put them on they were perfect. Inside the restroom they also had a scale built into the floor, even though it was a bus restroom. I stepped on it and it read 153 pounds. I could not believe it, I gained 12 pounds just on the way there. I went back to my seat and the tubes were still there. So I turned it back on and kept it on for 30 minutes. It was a long bus ride, but a filling one regardless.

When we got to the school they gave us a folder with a bunch of papers. Graphs, charts, and pictures of a model student from day one to day 183. They told us to go to different examining rooms with a doctor in them. The told us that even though we met the required weight to move into the academy, we were way too skinny and had to be a minimum of 200 pounds in nine weeks. I had fortyseven pounds to gain. So I set a personal goal to get ten pounds over that goal. Then they sent us to a mess hall with all manner of food at our fingertips, making it easier for us to get food quickly. I also had a whole table to myself. I ate every little morsel of food I could get my hands on. Then they brought me even more food to chow down on, so I ate that too. After we were all done they escorted us to our rooms. I was assigned to room number 37. I walked in and saw a table covered with junk food. The dorm room had separate rooms. One for me to sleep in and one for my roommate to sleep in. I saw my roommate inside his room, his name was Jacob. He was sitting in a very large chair, a clear feeding tube was connected to the ceiling above it. The chair had the same controls for the feeding tube as the ones that were on the bus. I knew that this school was the place I needed to be.

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