Prince Charming

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Ranboo pov:

Whilst I laid in bed, shirtless. Riddled with cuts bruises and scars.

I could hear Tubbo abs his friend in the hallway shouting playfully.

It vaguely filled me with joy hearing a friendship like there's with my own ears.
But at every heightened voice it made my body shake and shiver.

It was so embarrassing to be scared of someone shouting but I couldn't help it, I pulled the blanket up to my face on an attempt to warm me up.
Or hide from the noises.

All of a sudden the shouting stopped.
It made me curious, so I did what I didn't want to and got out of the bed and held my ear to the door. This felt like a breach of privacy, but I couldn't help it.

"Wait what?" I heard and unfamiliar voice say

"His names Ranboo. He's so just- ahh I can't explain it" I then heard Tubbo reply, I could hear the smile on his face and then I could feel blush begin to creep onto my face

"So you met him last night. And didn't tell me, or let me meet him" the other voice seemed to sarcastically respond

"I didn't want to force him to meet my friends instantly, he can decide when he's ready" Tubbo retorted and I felt almost relieved.

A feeling in my gut I'd never properly felt before occurred. I couldn't put a word in it.

"How is he going to tell you he's ready... do you have his number" the man asked

"Uhh no... not exactly" Tubbo stuttered

"Then how are you going to find rainbow again? You're not going on another goose chase are you" the man questioned.

Then I could feel a faint noise hit the door, as if tubbo had his back against it.

"No I don't need to-" Tubbo started then stopped himself

"Wait" the man said, I could tell that he began smiling. His voice was already in a teasing tone

"Is he here?" The same voice asked

"No" Tubbo squeaked

"OH MY GOD WHERE IS HE!" The voice shouted playfully once again. Then I heard footsteps rushing around the rest of the house.
I quickly backed away back into the bed and hid beneath the covers.

Soon after the door bursted open and it made me jump and jolt.

I saw the boy stand at the doorway, staring in my direction.

He was taller than Tubbo.
By quite a bit but no where near as tall as I was

"So this is Prince Charming" the man said.
He still hadn't seen my face as I hid.

'Prince charming?' I thought

"His name is ranboo!" I heard Tubbo shout from next to him
Then he sighed
"Ranboo you can come out, this is tommy... my best friend"

I peeked out of the covers and slowly got out, then I stretched my hand out to shake his but instead he just stared at me
It made me feel slightly self conscious until he spoke

"JESUS CHRIST YOURE TALL!.. and beautiful FUCK" tommy cursed causing Tubbo to begin laughing

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