Boo Boos

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Ranboo pov:

His fingers hovered each cut and bruise and scar on my body, his hands moving sporadically to each one

I stayed quiet not wanting to tell him.
And I shook my head, trying to fight any tears that threatened to fall

My eyes closed and all I could see was darkness

Then I felt a warmth on each side of my face
My eyes slowly opened and I saw Tubbo's beautiful orbs staring at me

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable" he whispered and it caused me to calm down ever so slightly

"You're safe now" he added and pecked my lips

"I don't ever wanna go back" I breathed out, a tear finally slipping from my eye

"You don't have to" Tubbo smiled leaning into my shoulder just after wiping the tear away

"No I do... he'll find me, he'll hurt me more" I cried hugging Tubbo close

"I won't let him" Tubbo said into my neck, although muffled I could still hear it clear as day

But I feared for what if Aaron ever met Tubbo, I don't think Tubbo would win that particular fight.

"I deserve to go back though" I continued to cry, the tears falling from mg eyes dropping onto the bed sheets

"Why?" Tubbo questioned

I once again thought for a moment, Tubbo didn't need to know my baggage, I didn't want to burden him with the knowledge

"You can tell me" Tubbo added, moving from my neck to look into my eyes again

"He saved my life" I finally replied

Tubbo gave me a questioning look, then gazed down my body again.
I began to feel slightly self conscious but then Tubbo spoke

"Someone who 'saves your life' doesn't do this boo"

My face turned warm.
"You don't understand I- I was-" I cut myself of, chocking in tears and grabbing my arm, scratching at the underside of my elbow

Tubbo noticed and moved my hand away, I could see his eyes widen in shock

"We're you- d-did you do?" Tubbo lead on and I nodded, looking away... feeling guilty

I felt his finger tips move along each of the scars from blades and needles then he crawled onto my lap and stared into my eyes

"I don't know about you're past. And I hope you can tell me when you're ready... but I need you to know I'm here for you ok?"

I nodded, trying my best to smile

"You know that right?" He asked and I managed to mutter out a "yes"

"Good" Tubbo kissed my cheek

"So did this guy who saved youre life stop you from abusing?" Tubbo asked, slowly.

"Yeah" I let out

"But then he hurt you?" Tubbo asked once again

I nodded in response

"That's not better Ranboo. But don't blame yourself, it's not yours fault ok?" Tubbo smiled, holding my face gently once again

"Ok?" Tubbo repeated in such a soft, angelic voice

"Thank you so much Tubbo" I cried and kissed him.

Although I was still crying he kissed back and I fell back into that peaceful mindset, just Tubbo and I together.

Before anything else happened I felt myself fall back onto the bed, Tubbo still in my arms. But my eyes felt heavy.

I let them close and I fell asleep with tubbo, who began to snore softly next to me.

Omg double update

Hey guys it's I the author ;)

This was a pretty dark chapter and I wanna remind you lot that if you're ever in a bad place
Please talk to someone, anyone.
Even me :) I'm here to listen if you'd like to rant

Anyways I hope you enjoyed... if that's possible

Til next time

Bye bye

Love you all ❤️

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