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    Varian held the vial of golden liquid carefully in his hand and poured two drops of it onto the large rock in the middle of his lab.
   "Hmm" he set the vial down on his desk after it having no response.
    "Lunch is almost done," his dad calls from upstairs.
    "One second."
    Before he could go to his dad a crackling noise brought his attention back to the rock in time to see yellow spikes slowly growing out of it. He stared at it, frozen in aw and shock. He finally stepped back as it reached out for him, only to trip and fall, his foot now beginning to be encased.
   "No! Dad! Dad, help!" He panickly searches his apron for something, anything to to stop the amber from spreading. Without thinking he throws an ice bomb at it, freezing both the amber and his leg. Whether or not it helped he didn't now but is slowed to a stop anyways.
     "Varian what's wro- Varian!" Quirin stared in shock.
     "Dad! Dad you need to get the princess. Please you need to- you need to get help!"
     "What? No I'm not leaving you."
     "No rapunzel can help! Please, she can- and- it only takes a day to get there. She can help dad, and Rudinger will bring me food- it'll, it'll be okay we just need to get the princess." Varian was reassuring himself as much as his dad.
      "Okay. I'll be back, I promise."
      Quirin quickly saddled a horse and raced through the snow. He couldn't protect his son but maybe he could save him. Somehow he reached the castle in only a couple of hours.

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