9: let it all out

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Bella lets out a huffed breath as she clenches tightly onto her father's grey sweatpants, fighting the urge to criticize her mother for even forgetting her name despite living with her for years.

Though the years have gaps in them, the last thing she'd think her own mother would forget is her name.

But Ria didn't want anything to do with her even after she was born. Aaron named her Bella, just because he thought the name brought a little innocence and beauty as she is.

"Anyway." Aaron sighs out as he runs his hand through his hair and glances at Ria who reaches down to her foot to massage it herself since Aaron clearly doesn't want the maid to do it for her. "How was the business trip? Any problems?"

"No." Ria simply says under her breath as Bree rolls her eyes again, this time at Aaron's questions that seem to tick her off. "It was great."

As mentioned before, Aaron isn't surprised.

He doesn't really talk much with Ria if at all. It's mostly about her business which he's putting a lot of money into. If she wasn't the mother of his daughter, he would have had all the reasons to divorce her and the court would agree without a shadow of a doubt.

"Where's Bella's gift?" Aaron doesn't tamper around the bush and heads straight for what he wants from her, so he can go continue his work since Bella wouldn't really ask for it.

Ria pauses for a moment and glances up to the little goldie locks girl at her father's feet before turning her gaze towards a pearly white heel Bree is holding up to examine.

"Gosh. I totally forgot about that." Ria sighs out as she leans from her feet, hardly seeming guilty for the fact she didn't even try to remember. "I accidentally bought those shoes with it."

Aaron's frown only deepens as he gazes at Ria with a black soulless gaze deep within his eyes.

Bella on the other hand slowly feels her eyes soak up with the warm salty tears as she clenches her father's sweatpants even more.

Fighting the urge to cry from her mother's lack of love for her.

"I told you. Reminded you, sent you money... And you didn't even get anything? Not even air?" Aaron asks as he clenches onto his fists and glares at her. "You spent it all on shoes?"

"The money I had wasn't enough-."

"You should have called me." He says through gritted teeth. "She got excited."

"Why should I feel obligated to bring her something everytime I leave? I kept her for nine months, she should be happy." Ria rolls her eyes and waves her hand off.

"I don't like you." Bella's voice breaks out as her tears fail to contain themselves. "I don't like you at all! I want the nice lady to be my mommy not you! Daddy! I want the nice lady to be my mommy! Get me the nice lady!"

Aaron shot his eyes down to his whining daughter who has began to cry out while punching his thigh with her small fists, crying about how she wants the woman he was with earlier to be her mother.

He eases his shoulders slightly as a sigh escapes his lips knowing his daughter just spilled his beans. Though his wife, Ria, now knows about his doings behind her back, he doesn't feel as guilty as he thought.

She has it coming to her.

At this point, Aaron wants her to feel angry, pained and hurt. That way he can inflict the same pain his daughter feels on Ria.

"You know, I've always wondered how you wouldn't force me to be intimate with you everytime I got back after a long time. At one point I thought you were broken." She points out as she slowly stands up. "When I ask Bella whether she's seen a lady visiting you, she would deny it over and over again.  But looks like she finally told the truth."

"Because she's tired of you." Aaron rolls his eyes and lifts his daughter of the ground. "she feels comfortable with a lady she doesn't even know than her own mother. Can't you feel bad about that?"

"Don't pin this on me." Ria crosses her arms on her chest and glares at him. "You're cheating on me and using our daughter to lie."

"So she's our daughter now? What happened to her being just mine?" He asked with raising brows as the maid walks into the room, knowing the air is growing even more.

"I can take her to bed." The maid offers as she reaches for Bella who is still crying.

Aaron doesn't protest but gives Bella off before turning back to Ria.

"I gave birth to her, didn't I?" She asks with a nasty glare while Bree sends Aaron a disatisfied gaze. "And in case you forgot, I'm still your wife. You have no right to cheat on me."

"Tell me the last time you've ever loved me, Ria. When was it?" Aaron asks with rising brows.

"That still gives you no right." Ria glares down to the floor and grits her teeth in anger.

"You never had. Maybe for the first month I had known you. But even before Bella was born, you didn't want anything to do with me. You only married me for Bella. A child you also hate." He explains to which she rolls her eyes to.

"I'm still your wife." She simply points out as she holds out a finger to make a point. "Don't forget that. Any woman you take to bed, I will destroy her life and expose her for what she really is. All four corners of the world will know her colours. And I will break even her soul. If you think just because I don't love you gives you the pleasure to take any woman you want, well think again."

"You're just afraid I'll divorce you." Aaron points out without any hesitation. "All the jewelry and clothes you buy, you won't anymore once we part ways, right? And if we do, you'll sue me and take Bella away, just to get more money out of it."

"I'm glad you learned something out of it." She rolls her eyes and sits back down. "No one would love someone like you, Aaron. You might be handsome but that's all you are. You're just an empty shell from the inside and you only care about yourself. So it doesn't matter to me whether I love Bella or not, she's your spawn. But why should I have your child and not get payment for it? So yes, Aaron, I'm threatening you with Bella's custody. You love her so much, I don't know why. So to pay back what you took from me, I would take Bella from you and all your money with me if you think you can replace me with your kitty ladies."

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