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—Lexxi Pov

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Lexxi Pov

I was working on my computer when Jakiyah tapped me.

"You have scissors?"

I looked at her confused.

"Yeah, why?"

"You should try and cut me."

I still had pure confusion on my face.

"Don't you have a blood kink?", she asks.

Now I got what she wanted. I grabbed the scissors out my pencil case, trying to hold them in a comfortable position.


She nods in excitement, waiting for me to cut her. I slowly use half of the scissor to cut her leg. After I was done, it left a mark. It was bleeding slightly.

"What- it's bleeding. It got on my skirt."

"What got on your skirt?", Lauryn asked

"Blood.", I reply

Lauryn looks confused, looking at her leg. She saw my piece of art, starting to freak out.

"How did you do this?!"

Me and Jakiyah started laughing, making Lauryn concerned.

"You need a band aid."

"No, I don't. I'm fine.", Jakiyah said

"No, you need one.", Lauryn insisted.

Jakiyah and Lauryn kept going back in forth, trying to get Jakiyah to wear one.

"If you want me to, get me one."

Lauryn got up, asking Ms. Cortez for a band aid. She showed us the band aid...

"That's not going to fit. It won't cover the whole thing."

"Exactly.", Djuan agreed

"Yes it will.", she said, placing the band aid on the cut.

Once she left, I'd be putting more. And how lucky I was, she went to the bathroom, giving me an opportunity to add some more.

Jakiyah would definitely like that.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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