9) A Race Against Time

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The Ravager shuffled into the living room of Titans South for breakfast.

"Good morning." She jumped at the sound of Red X. She turned to see him wearing a pink apron and holding a steaming plate of pancakes. "Sorry, Rosie. I didn't mean to startle you."

"Why didn't you say you could cook earlier?" Rose asked. "And, by the way, that smells amazing. But what's up with the-"

"Not one word about the apron, not one word," interrupted Red X. "I happen to like keeping my suit clean. As for the hidden talent, I prefer you ordering take out. Less effort on my part."

"In that case," the Ravager smirked back at him, "you are more than welcome to fund out takeout budget from now on."

"No Rosie, not even you are that evil. Would you care for some pancakes?" He held out the plate to her in an attempt at bribery.

"I would love some," the dangerous former villain known as 'Rosie' replied, and snatched the largest one on the plate.

- Scene Break -

"Terra," what shocked her was that her voice was no longer two-toned. She could feel a cold dampness against her skin and saw that she was covered in mud.

"Raven," the blue-eyed girl was standing on a boulder in front of her. She was wrapped almost completely in bandages, and there were some metal pieces on her shoulders, chest, and knees.

Her hair was hanging down, covering one half of her face. Just like Slade.

"Traitor," Raven growled.

"Witch," Terra's eye glowed yellow. Raven charged at her, and the two battled. What surprised Raven was that instead of fire, her magic was a black energy.

Terra had control over the Earth, but somehow Raven remembered that. Raven could not control her body, she just watched the fight.

"You know Raven, I never liked you." Terra addressed her.

"I never even wanted to know you," Raven retorted. "You may have fooled the others, but I always knew you were a liar." She could almost remember the conversation happening.

"Oh really?" Terra smirked at her, the mud lifting off of her body. "Is that why you let me live in your house and steal all your secrets and Beas-"

"Shut up!" Raven could feel the anger building up inside. Where was it coming from? Why was she saying these things?

"You're not getting mad are you Rae?" Terra mocked her. "Oh better be careful. Beast Boy told me about your little temper tantrums."

Beast Boy. The green Titan. Did Raven know him?

"Anger is pointless," Raven retorted. "My emotions are under control."

"Nyah, nah, nah," Terra created a ball of mud to look like Raven, and made it talk.

"Anger is pointless. And you're calling me a liar?" Raven could feel it; no, she could feel her, Rage.

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