He turns to look at the animatronics, though no one says anything. At the moment, they all seem concerned for him. Or at least, all of them except the golden bear seem concerned for him.

     "What are you doing here?" The brown bear asks, unsure what to do at the moment. It was past midnight so the man couldn't leave, but what drew him here in the first place was beyond him.

     The guy just smiles. "I just wanted to check the place out," he says casually.

     The bear looks at him in pure confusion. "Don't you know how dangerous this place is at night?"


     "Then why did you come?"

     "Like I said. I wanted to check the place out"

     "Are you insane?" A blue rabbit animatronic asks, a bit wary of the newcomer, especially since he had his gun back in his hands and was currently reloading the three shots he used.

     "Absolutely," The man replies, smiling as he flicks his firearm to the right and relocking the chamber. He turns to look at the rabbit, but his eyes shift to the right suddenly. 

     He turns quickly, raising his left hand and catching the fist that had been aimed right at his head. "Took you long enough" The man simply states, his smile still on his face, but a cold look in his eyes.

     Gold was confused. He had swung with everything he had, but this man had caught his fist with one hand. However, he didn't have much time to think, as the man had thrown his hand to the side and slammed the animatronic across the face with a hook to his jaw. 

     As Gold staggered back, the brown bear managed to catch him and stop him from falling over. "Gold, what is going on? Who is he?"

     The bear glares daggers at the man, sheer rage seeming to emanate off of him in waves. "His name is Michael A-"


     The man was pointing his revolver right between Gold's eyes, and had both cocked the hammer back and placed his finger on the trigger.

     "If you value your head, you won't finish that sentence" is at the man says, his smile completely gone from his face.

     "What? Are you going to kill me, just like you killed him, Afton?" The bear replies, his voice laced with malice.

    The man just lets out a disappointed sigh, before shifting his gun down and shooting Gold in his right knee. There are two consecutive BANGS!: One when the gun is fired, and the other when a small explosion nearly severs Gold's lower leg from the rest of his body.

     Gold screams from the sheer agony, while the brown bear tries to catch him as he falls. However, he flinches away as the man steps forward, his pistol pointed at his head.

    "Freddy, do yourself and the others a favor and don't interfere. This is between me and him, and I still have 5 rounds loaded up," The man states, any hint of humor that was once in his voice now completely gone.

     The bear hesitates, for a moment, but backs away to the others when he sees Gold give him a firm, yet pain-filled, nod.

     "Good. Now that that's taken care of, let me make one thing clear, big guy," The man places a foot on Gold's chest and points his revolver right at his head, "My name is MIKE SCHMIDT, and it would do well for your friends that you don't forget it" Mike shifts his gun to point at the four animatronics backed up against the nearby wall.

     Despite the rage in Gold's eyes, he recognizes that Mike isn't to be messed with. He's no longer the angry, aggressive teenager he once was. Now, he was very cold and calm, and seemed almost bored. The animatronic is unsure what changed him like this, but it must have been drastic.

     "Okay, can we clear something up? How do you two know each other?" Freddy asks, taking a few steps forward, but being cautious as the man's gun was pointed at them.

     Surprisingly, Mike smiles. "You could say that he and I have a bit of a history. I don't feel like explaining. It doesn't really matter anymore"

     Gold glares at the man, but a quick glance from Mike makes him avert his eyes

     Mike suddenly perks up. "Speaking of him, I've got something I think you'll love" He says, turning to the other animatronics as he holsters his revolver and pulls out his phone. He starts scrolling through his gallery, before breaking into a genuine, albiete half-crazed, smile. "Just watch" He says, pressing play.

     The video shows two men in military uniforms loading what looks to be a small armory's worth of firearms. There were pistols, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, light machine guns, and even a rotary grenade launcher and an RPG.

     "Well, brothers! I'm glad you could all get together with me as we send this worthless bastard back to the pit in Hell that he crawled out of! Grab a gun and start shooting! Try and be a bit careful with the explosives, though. I've got a special idea for finishing this guy off." A voice says, and the camera turns to look at Mike, who has a manic and excited grin on his face.

     The camera turns to look at what appeared to be an animatronic suit that was constantly struggling against the chains binding it to a large boulder, the sands around it blowing in the hot air.

     Gunfire can quickly be heard echoing as what sounded like soldiers are laying into the thing with the provided firearms. A few explosives even go off, damaging the rabbit animatronic even more. Eventually, though, the loud yelling of Mike stops the shooting. 

     "Okay, Okay, Okay, we've all had fun, but I think it's time that we wrap this up and send him back where he belongs. And we're gonna do it with a bang" As the camera turns away from the animatronic and towards Mike, he reaches for the radio attached to the left shoulder of his uniform and says four words.

     "Bring out the Freebrams"

     A loud rumbling can be heard as the nearby soldiers back away quickly, wanting to avoid the literal tank that was driving up to the table. It stops, and the top hatch opens up. Mike climbs onto the tank and he and the driver exchange a salute. Climbing in, Mike presumably gets in the gunner's seat, as the turret starts to move around, before pointing directly at the animatronic. 

     At the moment, the rabbit can barely lift its head up to look at the tank, before the sound of Mike's voice cuts through the radio that the cameraman must have. 

     "This is Psychotic Murderer Trapped in Animatronic Suit V.S. Marine in an M1A2 Abrams. Firing in 3. . . . . 2. . . . . 1. . . . ."

     The camera shakes violently as a loud BOOOM! rings out from the tank's barrel. The camera momentarily loses sight of the animatronic, but when it turns to look back at the boulder it was tied to, the only thing that could be seen was the broken fragments of the large stone that had been blown to pieces by the highly-explosive shell. There wasn't a single sign that the animatronic had ever been there. Mike can be seen popping out of the tank's hatch, laughing like a madman. "I love the Marines!"

     Mike turns the video off and points his phone in the direction of the animatronics, who were incredibly perplexed, unsure of what they had seen or whether it was real.

     "That, my friends, is what I like to call revenge"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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