Start from the beginning

before yibo can do anything or zhan can say anything or respond the door opens with a thudd...

Zhan.. ooh god what happened? are you okay? zhoucheng almost shout but he stop as he saw zhan was okay with open eyes.

ge, wuuh... Zhan's eyes became teary after seeing his brother, zhoucheng hug zhan tightly, zhan too hug his brother tightly.

yibo get up and move side to give some privacy to the brother. zhan was crying like a baby while zhoucheng was trying to calm him down by patting his head,

as yibo see zhan is relaxed, he tried to speak something but before he can say anything, haikuan came inside and drag him out

what happen ge? why did you pull me out?  yibo ask his brother with a frown

yibo, trust me I will tell me everything but before that let's go home, don't worry about zhan I have already talked to doctors and police about it. Zhan's condition is good, we need to go home, you need rest too. haikuan pleaded with yibo

although yibo want to stay but he wants to know what was going on inside his brother's mind, he can sense the discomfort his brother is in, but he can't ask directly. he nods his head and went to the doctors and then the police, after confirming zhan is alright and safe with zhoucheng he leaves the hospital unwillingly.

we will meet soon zhan, take care of yourself. yibo thought while looking at the hospital for the last time

inside the hospital, zhan was okay now, he look for yibo but he couldn't find him. zhoucheng talked to doctors and they said, they will discharge zhan by evening. he ask for the hospital bill, but the staff said the bills are already paid by the people who bought zhan here, but they didn't reveal the identity of the person.

zhoucheng was feeling worried he again went inside Zhan's ward

zhan, I talked to the police and they said this kidnapping was not for you but for someone else by mistake they kidnapped you and your friend. can you tell me about your friend, he paid the bills I need to pay him. zhoucheng asked zhan

his name is yibo and the person who paid the bill must be his elder brother, ge no need to pay them, they won't agree,  zhan said as he remember yibo mentioned he is his friend so he will do anything for him and zhan know how stubborn is yibo, no matter how much zhan say but yibo won't accept the money, but he thought he will give yibo a gift for this help.

yibo.. this name seems... like I heard it earlier but when and where? zhoucheng thought but he can't remember so he let it go.

alright then invite them on lunch any day

in the evening zhan came home with zhoucheng, zhan was resting while his brother and his girlfriend Ziyi were cooking dinner, yubin was there also. all the three enjoy dinner,  zhan sleep early after taking his medicine while yubin was playing video games on his computer and in the kitchen zhoucheng and Ziyi was doing dishes

Ziyi thank you so much, all these days when zhan was missing you kept supporting me, I am lucky to have a girlfriend like you. I love you. zhoucheng said while washing the dishes

Ziyi stops wiping the dishes for a second but then he smiles lightly and continues, I love you too. she said, she know zhoucheng loves her, it is just he doesn't know how to express his feelings.

cheng, I never had a family, I and yubin are all alone, but when you came into my life, you gave me love, support, and a family too, zhan is like my baby brother and Jie is like my elder sister. I am happy zhan is back and he is safe.  Ziyi said zhoucheng nodded his head.

yubin sleep in Zhan's room on the couch and Ziyi in the guest room, zhan and zhoucheng were in their own room, it was all calm but this was not the same in Wang's mansion.


here I want to say something to you all

I won't be able to update this book for 10 days as firstly I am visiting my hometown in this period and secondly, I am trying to complete my other book  MY MAFIA HUSBAND💓 first, so please don't curse me,🤧🙏🏻

I will not leave this book in the middle, I promise you that, after completing my another book I will complete this one too. as I already mentioned, I am a medical student so you can imagine my (study + work) load, I barely get time these days after my shift to writing so please cooperate, i know I speak ( write) too much but I am frustrated as hell so i am going to visit my grand parents

this chapter is boring, I know so please forgive me

I will try my best next time

till then you can read my other book MY MAFIA HUSBAND

vote if you like and comment me your suggestion.

good night🌚

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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