Chapter 1: The beginning

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The sounds of sirens and people echo through the street near the beach as a man holding an engagement ring in its box, the man stares at a dead body laying on the sand as the police enter the scene and take the man away from the body as they begin to investigate the scene. The man whispers "Why...Why did you have to go...I almost had everything..." as the man sits down onto a bench and begins to cry.

~years later~

A demon walks through Imp City and arrives at a bar as he enters the bar, the demon walks to the corner of the bar and sits down on a chair as he sighs. Another demon walks towards the demon sitting down on a chair in the corner of the room and says "What's with the long face? Struggling to find a job here again" the demon replies "Yeah...another failed job..." "That's rough, I've been working as a writer for years and not one single book has been sold. So what happened this time?" The demon asked as the other says "I might’ve gotten carried away again" "Let me guess, you killed someone" the demon said as the other looks down. "Well what can I blame you for, you've got a problem with killing and this isn't the first time you did this. You've killed about several employees from other jobs here in Imp City-" the demon said as he stops and begins to feel pain in his chest as he struggles to stand "Hey buddy, you alright?" The demon asks as the other falls onto its back. The demon gets up off his chair and checks his pulse but nothing was happening, the demon stands up and looks around to see if anyone was watching. The demon drags the body out the back and throws it into a bin as he hears a voice from behind "My my, what do we have here?" The demon turns around to see a demon wearing fancy clothing and holding a cane. "The name's Muko, pleasure to see you" Muko said as he offers a handshake but the demon doesn't shake hands "Not much of a handshaker are you? No matter, I've heard about your troubles along with your friends death including the one in there. Don't worry, I don't have anything to do with you but I might be able to assist you with you little curse" Muko said as the demon raises his eyebrow and says "Curse?" "Why yes, a curse. See that scar on your face? That's no ordinary scar, that is a cursed scar and it will kill anyone that looks at your face. Unfortunately for me, I am immuned to it's power so I'm safe, the others however will die after seeing your face" Muko said as he gives the demon a paper bag with holes on the front "Put this on, it will help protect others from seeing your face. I must go now, I've got more important things to do. See you soon" Muko said as he walks away and leaves the demon alone. The demon puts the paper bag on as he then hears gun fire from nearby, the demon walks over to investigate and see a group of demons wearing a blue and green mask shooting at other demons. The demon picks up a rock and throws it at one of the masked demons as it hits their head, the demon hides as the masked demon walks towards the alleyway. The demon jumps on top of the masked demon and stabs them with a knife killing them, the demon picks up their gun as he spots something in the demon's coat. The demon takes a plain card with a purple diamond ace on it, the demon looks down at the dead demon and takes their mask as he puts it in his pocket and begin to run away. The demon arrives at an abandoned paint shop as he says "This will do. I have to be quick, they might be following" the demon enters the shop as he goes through the different colours and takes out the mask he took from the demon he killed as he begins to paint the mask white and paints red lines going random directions. "Finally, I can have revenge. It's time they learned not to mess with Darron, the hunt-" Darron said as he looks at the mirror and says "No...Darron the Masked Demon" Darron exits the shop as he runs back to the alleyway and sees the masked demons carry the dead bodies they killed into a black van as Darron watches from behind a wall. The van starts to drive as Darron follows the van to find out where the van is going, Darron followed the van to what seems to be a factory of some sorts. Darron sneaks into the factory as he sees a several piles of dead demon bodies including the ones they killed from earlier "That's a lot of dead bodies...What are they doing with them? Best not just sit here and wait. I've got to do something about this" Darron said as a masked demon but looks a lot different from the others and begins to search through the new pile of dead bodies as he takes out a book. "Their looking for a book? Then why do they need all these piles for? This gets weirder by the second" Darron said as he comes out from behind the boxes and aims at one of the nearby masked demons then shoots as their head come clean off. The other masked demons turn to face Darron as the taller masked demon asks "Who must you be?" "Someone who's gonna burn this place down" Darron said as he takes out a lighter and sets the boxes of paper on fire as the other masked demons make their way to the exits as Darron shoots a gas canister as it explodes destroying their only exit except the one behind Darron. "You know, there's 20 of us and one of you" the taller masked demon said as Darron replies "I like my odds and this is where the fun begins" the masked demons charge at Darron as he shoots them at the heads as the bodies fall down one by one. The pistol clicks as it ran out of ammo, Darron throws it at one of the masked demons head as he takes out a knife and begins to stab them. Darron killed all of the masked demons and all is left is the taller one to take care of "Impressive I must admit your skills are remarkable, you would make a good asset to the organisation" the taller masked demon said as Darron is confused then asks "organisation? You mean there's more of you?" "Why of course, I am one of the elites in the organisation. We call ourselves the Diamond Ace, a group that kills for fun and our own rights, you should join us. You will become a great member and be the greatest elite out of us all" Diamond Ace elite said as Darron replies "No...I'd rather die than join you" "Suit youraelf" the Diamond Ace elite said as he grabs Darron by the shirt and throws him at the wall. The Diamond Ace elite storms at Darron as a bullet goes through his head and falls to the ground, Darron holding a pistol and says "Jackass...I've got to get out of here before things get worse" Darron jumps throuh a window as the fire burns the factory down. Darron arrives at his home as he enters and begins to search for some bandages as blood drips from his shirt, Darron finds the bandages and begins to wrap them around the wound "Damn, didn't expect him to throw me into a metal pole...lucky it was my arm or I would've been dead...Although, where did the pistol come from? I thought I threw the empty one away...that's odd. I guess I shouldn't worry about that now, I better start looking for a job" Darron said as he lays down on the couch and scrolls through his phone.

~meanwhile at the factory~

A figure walks toward the Diamond Ace elite's dead body and takes the book from his hand then says "I knew it would've been stupid to send this elite especially now we have a new enemy. That doesn't matter at this point, at least I have the book and that masked demon doesn't have a clue" the figure walks into the flames as it disappears into the smoke.

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