" What she said " ; Jessica pointed at me .

" Wow . This is a lot to take in " ; Karen said .

" You cannot say a word about this to Matt . Or Foggy " ; I pleaded .

" So you know your father ? Is he alive ?/Was that an act when you said that he was your estranged father ? " ; she asked .

" Yes.  No . Yes " ; I replied.

" He died four years ago . In a Mafia Fight. My mom runs the German Part and run the American part " ; I added .

" Promise you won't tell anyone ? " ; I asked .

" I promise " ; Karen said .

I sighed in relied .

" I am going out tonight to end Fisk once and for all . He is creating a lot of havoc and I am not gonna sit and tolerate it anymore " ; I said .


" How did you get Hoffman to spill ? " ; I asked Matt as we sat in my office conference room .

" The law works greater than a vigilante " ; Foggy answered .

" Impressive " ; I said sipping on my beer .

" You said you won't drink again " ; Matt said .

" I lied . I never learn from my mistakes " ; I said .

" Wilson Fisk has escaped police confinement and is now headed to escape the city " ; the news reporter said from the tv .

We stood up in alarm .

" He escaped ? " ; I asked eyes wide .

" Oh great " ; Karen said sarcastically.

" I am gonna head home guys. Its not safe for us to stay out right now.  He could be behind us " ; Matt said .

Foggy and Karen agreed and literally ran out of the office .

" Go Matty.  Be safe " ; I said kissing him .

He nodded and walked out .

I walked over to my cupboard and pulled out my new coat .

I slipped it on and used the emergency escape to leave the office

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I slipped it on and used the emergency escape to leave the office .

According to reports Fisk was last seen escaping Hell's Kitchen through Alley number 53.

I ran towards that direction .

" Hey.  Emily , wait up " ; I tuned around to see a man running at me wearing a red suit with horns on his helmet .

" Its me Matt " ; he said catching up to me .

I nodded .

" Going after Fisk ? " ; he asked as we ran together .

" Yes " ; I used my phone to speak to him.

" We match . I am wearing a red and black coat . Nice rods by the way " ; my phone said to him .

" They are horns " ; he said .
" There " ; he shouted.

We both ran after Fisk after we spotted him running into an alley .

Matt jumped on him and pushed him to the ground .

I stood over fisk with my gun pointed at him while Matt repeatedly punched him .

He was angry.  Really angry .

He finally let go of Fisk and I dragged Fisk up by his collar .

" Take that bounty off Adelaide or I swear I will hunt down and kill Vanessa " ; I said using my phone .

" You won't " ; he said .

" Wanna bet ? " ; I asked .

" Okay okay.  Fine " ; Fisk said .

I kicked him to the ground and was about to stab him .

" Emily don't. He's not worth it.  Please.  You won't be able to come back from what your about to do " ; Matt pleaded.

The urge to kill Fisk was more than ever.  He was right her , under my leg , lying there like a pathetic person. He killed Ben , my father , he deserves to die .

" I know you think that he deserves to die but he will die.  In jail.  Let him go " ; Matt said again .

I heard police sirens and let go of Fisk.  I quickly walked away leaving Matt in that alley .

As soon as I was far away from them , I pinched the wall and screamed as loud as I could .

Matt was right . Sometimes taking the higher road isn't easy but its worth it.  Fisk is going to suffer and I will make sure of that .


" Daredevil , my shapely irish ass " ; Foggy said as he read the newspaper the next morning .

We laughed .

" Well , it wasn't just him. Witnesses claim that they saw a woman wearing a similar outfit helping Daredevil in capturing Fisk. God bless that woman " ; Foggy added .

" What are they calling her ? " ; I asked .

" The Red  Coat Killer " ; Foggy said .

" Big name " ; I said .

" Well , I better go . I told Marci I would help her find a new job " ; Foggy said .

" She already got hired Foggy.  By Watson Law " ; I said .

" I personally interviewed her . She is charming but does have a stone cold soul . Perfect for my company " ; I said proudly.

" I also promised her drinks " ; Foggy said.

" You guys wanna join " ; he asked.

" Nah.  You go ahead " ; Karen said .

" Alright . Bye guys " ; he said and walked away .

" That was fun " ; I said .

" Its a free day today guys.  What should we do ? " ; Matt asked .

" Bowling alley ? " ; I asked.
" Then pool " ; Karen added .

" Sure.  Lets go " ; Matt said enthusiastically .

          END OF PART I ( SEASON 1 )

Next chapter : Part 2.

Matt Murdock × Adelaide Watson  : Daredevil has a heart too Where stories live. Discover now