If you died

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Niccolo: Would just shut the world out and make food all the time unintentionally making all your favourites

Porco: He would be angry all the time shouting at everyone for the smallest thing 

Pieck: She would be really upset and have to heavy rely on the others to help her get through 

Zeke: Would start obsessing over getting his plan to work no matter the cost

Colt: Would start drinking a lot more not talking to anyone unless he was completely drunk

Annie: Would often go on long walks by herself but it always ended up at the pier that started it all. She would go out and buy your favourite foods and drinks and sit there talking to the ocean as though it was you 

Reiner: Would feel truly empty the light in his miserable life that made everything seem ok was now gone and now he was just a shell of the person he once was 

Bertholdt: He would act strong around everyone else but the second he was alone he would just  breakdown 

Yelena: Would focus on her plans because at this point if she is suffering why shouldn't the rest of the world

Ok but like the pier thing with Annie started out as me writing it in one chapter and it slowly started to sneak into other chapters and it feels wrong for it not to appear. Low key it is making me want to write an Annie fanfic based off the preferences and the pier.

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